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RE: Mindful Moments: Perfecting The Pause - Chapter One (for Beta-Readers)

in #life4 years ago

greetings @ericvancewalton what a great idea to create a book using the resource of comments to make the same edition.

I've never heard of Beta-Reader, I think it's great.

maybe you remember me, my ego would like you to remember me hehehe, a few months ago I wrote you and mentioned the creation of my book, you gave me some advice and the first one I already did.

my book has passed the test of being read by strangers and I have been given very good comments, out of 20 people 4 asked me for a second part, I think that is a good sign.

it has crossed my mind to publish it by the blockchain but then I forget it because I want to publish it and sell it in a future, I have postponed that moment because I have let myself be absorbed by hive.

Going back to your post, this book will be a kind of introspection of one's own thoughts, it would be good to include the subject of beliefs, where they originate from and how they can be modified.

those are the topics that i like the most and i develop continuously in my blog, everything related to NLP, beliefs, prosperity, vibrations, energies everything is linked to thought and creation.

thank you, a warm hug.


Thank you, I do remember you and am glad to hear about the success you're having with your book! I appreciate the suggestion about beliefs and I also need to read your blog because it sounds like you write about some interesting topics. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Thanks anyway.

You're welcome.👍🤗