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RE: I feel so free! I left my job that I didn't like ! and now I do what I LOVE!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

i never dropped out early when i had the chance.

This is what's called L-I-F-E! ;+) Don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you need a vacation from everything (school/work) for a couple of weeks.

The beauty of finishing...staying with a process to the end; means you'll never have that 'what if' conversation with yourself, imaging how life would've been different if only...

Know that your 'bliss' is what God wants for you, too! If you ask Him, He will be with you at every juncture.

I will never do what i don't love again.

Never say never. It's quite okay to do what you don't 'love' for a season, as long as it is with integrity. Many a star has had to wait tables to pay the bills until the door of opportunity opened for them.

You can always do 'what you love' after the 9-5; but, without an income, misery becomes a worrisome friend.

So, is college next? It sounds like you could stand to take a year off and work a generic gig, while you line your ducks up for 'what you want to do'. By all means, AVOID THE STUDENT-LOAN NOOSE of SLAVERY! ;+)

Life isn't a one stop forevermore adventure. For most, there will be many paths to income...What you want to do in your 20s may look totally different to your dreams in your 30s, ...on and on.

If I can encourage you in one thing: As with your education, NEVER, EVER give up. For the race is not given to the swift; but to those who persevere to the end. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

Best regards; and, as a small token of applause for your huge accomplishment, I leave you with a tip!