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RE: Crypto is Mooning and I Need to Vomit

in #life2 months ago

I think everyone who has ever been involved in crypto has a story like this. The bottom line is that there are very few people that are really pleased about liquidating when they did. Remember all the millionaires that were created during the UNREAL time when BTC hit $27,000! We were NEVER going to see a price like that ever again... haha. For me I missed out on the Doge craze and thought it was going to keep going up and up and up. We all know what happened there and I am just happy that I got my initial investment back and made a bit. Now SHIB, that's a different story :P


Yes, everyone who spends enough time in this crazy space has a story worthy of regret. For me my worst is EOS. I was so convinced that EOS was going to be a game changer and it's been a total dog. The best life lessons are always hard to take.