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RE: Principle of the Day

in #life6 years ago

Humility is one of the greatest features of the one's character, one of the best example is Jesus, of course we do not know exactly how he was but from the Bible and the historical document he has been presented as such character. In everyday like especially in big cities with fast growing community and daily competition it is hard for such feature of character to survive but still day by day I meet those wonderful people, may be because I live in a small area and people here value and appreciate each other's been there.

Wonderful Daffodils, once I have collected few from garden and put in a vase, the scent that my one had was so strong and very strange, I did not really like it. Since then I prefer them in my garden, it is better for them too :)


Thank you @stef1 for stopping by.

Oh yes.....Christ Jesus is the perfect example....if one believes the Bible to be true and I do.....then one would believe what is said of Christ Jesus......and indeed He was humble......He humbled Himself in obedience to God the Father.

These ones are from the shoppes and really have no scent at all......yet there is no prettier sight than to see them waving in the William Wordsworth saw them.

All the best.
