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RE: Mindful Moments: Perfecting The Pause - Chapter One (for Beta-Readers)

in #life4 years ago

I am a big believer in the use of the semi colon; it slows readers down and puts added emphasis on what is next to come in the sentence.

You know darn well I'm no English major so take this suggestion with a grain of Sult.

"We’ve also, increasingly, lost sight of the wonderful thing called consensus, being able to see valid points in opposing views.", your sentence as written. I would change it to read like this,
We’ve increasingly also lost sight of the wonderful thing called consensus; being able to see valid points in opposing views.
Some folks may have their own meaning of consensus but this way you would be making it very clear what your meaning is of the word.

That's my two cents worth of constructive criticism.

Now I will say as I reader that I like the approach you are taking on this book. Like usual I am late to the party so I need to go catch up with your latest chapter.
I can tell you though I will probably be buying signed copies for all of my kids at some point when it is in print.
Looking forward to more,


Thank you much for that suggestion, Sult! I'll make that change, it makes it a better sentence.

I'm glad you're liking the approach. It's been great to be immersed in something that's positive with all of the stuff going on in the world today. I hope to get this thing published before the country descends into even greater chaos.

Rumors are beginning to swirl now about some last-minute Democratic ticket change for November. They could be just false rumors meant to cause voter indecision about Biden's cognitive state. 2020 has me too disoriented to say one way or another. Lol.

I'd certain appreciate the purchase. I think I'm going to have a portion of the profits of this book go to the Alzheimer's foundation or something similar.

Enjoy your weekend!

I haven't heard any of those rumors, but I also don't get my news & information from traditional sources.

Hell, our three ducks that we have left make as much sense to me with their quackin' as does the folks on the news with their fancy haircuts and clothes. News nowadays is just noise, unpleasant noise at that.

The Democrats can't make a change to late in the game for one reason; mail in voting ballots. It takes time to print and mail the ballots and then allow them to be returned for processing the count. Once the first ballot is mailed out to a voter it is game over on making a change to the ticket.

Even the most ignorant of people have to know that Biden isn't going to be President for more than a week if he were to be declared the winner of the election. He would just hand it off to his VP and go back into his basement.
The VP might change though, that Harris woman has some baggage of her own that will be getting some extensive scrutiny for sure real quickly.

The only thing to do is see how it plays out.
You enjoy the weekend as well,

I manage to steer clear of MSM on TV but occasionally catch a story online. Most of the time these stories are only smokescreens meant to distract and your point about mail-in voting ballots are proof of that. The Dems would have to make that kind of transition AFTER the election.

I wonder what the protocol is in the case of a President stepping down for health reasons? Wouldn't the next in line for VP be the Speaker of the House?

It's going to be interesting fall.

That would be correct on the VP, and don't think for one minute that "something" wouldn't happen to Harris or whomever the Democrat in the president's chair would be if Nancy P weren't one ending heart beat from being president.

I don't care for Nancy P. She strikes me as someone that power has corrupted absolutely. It's going to be such an interesting fall.