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RE: Catching up to New Year

in #life2 years ago

That is the best looking cheesecake I have seen! Happy belated Birthday M :*

And congrats on the place of your own - life is going to be better in many ways - harder in some too. It'll be fun!

Drop a line whenever you want, you know how to reach me :)


And so, so delicious. Thank you Taraz! :* Hopefully I will be the case of how they say - women are like fine wine? xD Or how does that go?

Yay! Thank youuuu! I was so scared at first. So many responsibilities with that, but I felt it was needed for my growth and path forward. It is all still new to me and a bit chaotic, but that will go away soon enough. I hope.

women are like fine wine?

Drink them all? ;D

It is different to have your own place (not just living away) and feel like it is actually yours to decorate and make a home. I am so happy you have done it!