
Targeting me because of the actions of others who've done nothing wrong? Clearly you're running out of excuses. I didn't create the five minute window or the bots.

You get instant upvotes as well, so does everyone else. So all you've done today is prove you're a bad actor and I was right for calling you out. You're clearly bullying me. There's no denying that now. This case is textbook. I've been right every single step of the way.

Now you can't harass as many people. I can post more or stop, meaning I have full control of your downvotes. If I don't post, you'll want to keep your downvote power charged in case I do post, so you can hit due to being emotional and acting out of anger. In the meantime nobody else will be getting hit and if they do, I'll have some work prepared which will knock your downvote power down, leading to it taking longer for you to go on another rampage. I could drain it completely. No point in what you're doing. If you were curating honestly, your behavior wouldn't be as predictable. I wouldn't hold it against you or think any less of you if you decided to take the honest road. I realize you're struggling inside now, I don't take your actions personally and I will not use your weaknesses against you in order to hurt your feelings, since I believe bullying is a waste of time and energy.

You've proven everything I've said about your bullying. This post talks about how you've only given yourself two options. You've chosen option one. I described what happens when one engages with the bully. I've only been honest with you, yet you're becoming increasingly frustrated, and that has nothing to do with me. I haven't been an ass. I never once instigated, only responded. You're a bully but you've failed because it doesn't bother me.

The post states the bully always looks foolish in the end. If I leave, you'll look foolish. If I stay you'll look foolish.

You could simply leave people alone but then you'll feel like a loser in the imaginary battle you've created within your mind, so you're pretty much screwed, and you did it to yourself.

I wish you all the best.