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RE: Planet Lockdown Free Screening on BrandNewTube

in #life2 years ago (edited)

I reckon you are at least aware of the broad strokes presented in detail in 'Planet Lockdown'. I not only watched it, but rewatched it afterwards to gain a finer understanding of details.

I cannot comment on the vagaries of the internet. I have not yet had opportunity to follow the links you provide, but will when I return from work.


Edit: I also refute utterly the assertion we have been defeated. Our governments have been infiltrated by traitors, and corporations become the Antichrist in their affect on humanity, but I will point out that corporations are not living, breathing people, and are merely one possible way of people agreeing amongst each other to conduct their affairs. All that is necessary to surmount any difficulty corporations present is to mutually agree to effect our purposes otherwise.

We will.

Some heads will roll. Some necks will stretch. The production of the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization we undertake ourselves, and the laws of physics, the very structure of the universe itself, mandates what such blessings entail. I foresee the decentralization of means of production, and the advancement of current technological possibilities, will inevitably result in free, prosperous people spreading throughout the infinite heavens, the stars at their feet, enjoying their good company in perpetuity.

We will win.


I also would like to point out the word "layman". It is being misused in our society.
It is a word that derives from old English from times when Priests only knew the language of the bible. Why Martin Luther printed his 95 Thesis.
Did you know about his other book?

The idiots that could not read or write in Latin were called LAYMEN. Today a Layperson is still a member of the church that is not part of the Clergy.

This is just my opinion. I know it matters not in this woke world.

Edit: I tried to watch the video but it is a 404 link?

I will have a look at this link presently. I am grateful for such recommendations as my own investigations are often short of information yours have found.

Edit: I am deeply appreciative that you have persisted reporting the 404 link I posted, because I investigated and found a typo which I have now corrected. I hope the link will now work.

Thank you.