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RE: Search has become complete BS. Brave blatantly lied to me.

in #lifelast year

I did. I explained that Solzhenitsyn was writing about the Bolsheviks, not the Nazis, and that they might well be liable for libel if they didn't take it down, because there are probably people still alive that went through those horrific events.

It's just discouraging that they're even putting such BS out there, to begin with. We'll see if they take it down.



That's awesome! And I agree. It's obscene the way a lot of these LLMs are being pushed out into every facet of online life. No way to opt out. No information stating that the system is unreliable, cannot be relied upon for truth or accuracy, et cetera. Sophisticated prediction engines at best.

At least with Brave it gives links to sources so a person can check for themselves. How many will do that though is the real question.

Biggest problem is the global marketing disaster... huge greedy corporations telling everyone that "AI" can do your thinking for you... critical thinking is such an inconvenience for a mere consumer...

Well, let's hope the report worked and they fix the problem. But you're not wrong about being herded by corporate AI into whatever corral they want us in.

It's pretty sad seeing people herded en masse, unthinkingly. The forces that influence our lives are powerful and often... invisible. I'm not immune by any means.

The only viable antidote to corporate "AI" is Free and Open Source "AI"

If I would have my way, I'd make it law that no neural network / machine learning algorithm could be made proprietary or closed sourced. No private ownership of these means of production at all, in essence.

Develop them all you want, but it would be illegal to gatekeep or restrict access to them to anybody else for any purpose.

This way people could use them, study them, build on them and perhaps most importantly, employ them to defend against adversarial, persuasive or propagandistic deployment of the same models.

Would require some definitional work to make such legislation effective, but it's all totally achievable and realistic.

Since the fervent ferment of development of AI by private persons of every kind and stripe is ongoing, no such legislation is needed. But little inquiry is necessary to find the latest FLOSS AI release from such folk, and as soon as you download it you can begin applying it in any way you choose. Them gatekeeping their proprietary products can keep them. They're substandard anyway, generally laden with all the flaws and detriments of proprietary products of centralized hierarchies intended to most benefit the overlord of the hierarchy. Since most of us could care less about the fatness of overlords, FLOSS alternatives are far preferable. We care most about our deriving benefit from our property and work, and FLOSS AI delivers that best.