Getting the vaccine - Being Prepared

in #life3 years ago

I like to prepare for things. Whether it's the next fishing trip, playing a video game or my mom is going to visit, I prepare. Getting my second dose of the Moderna vaccine is no different. I feel I need to prepare in case I feel ill afterwards.

There are some possible common side effects after getting your vaccine doses. In simple terms, the side effects are your body preparing to fight off a particular virus. Side effects could include: chills, diarrhea, sweats, vomiting, fever, tiredness, headaches, muscle pains and redness. I don't want any of those but unfortunately my body doesn't always do what I want it to. I'm still waiting for my body to produce a piece of art that becomes the next world renowned masterpiece.


To prepare for possible side effects I'm getting a few things together. First I'm making sure we have some Tylenol on hand. Nothing is worse than needing some medication in the middle of the night and finding that someone used the last of it some time ago. Tylenol will help with any aches and pains or fever.

Next I make sure I have some ginger ale in the fridge. While ginger ale doesn't actually do anything medicinal, for me it feels good to burp and fart when you are feeling nauseous. Ginger ale and Sprite make me burp a lot...not sure it has anything to do with farts though. Putting fresh ginger in tea would probably provide a more medicinal result since it's an anti-inflammatory and there's no sugar involved.


Chances are, if you are laid up in bed for some time, you are going to be bored. I'm charging up my devices so I can browse, read and play my boredom away. Not only will the devices help me to not be bored but they will also take my mind off of the blah feeling. Additionally, after being on a device for a while I get tired and I could use the extra push to sleep through any side effects.


Another preparation I make is having simple foods at the ready. It's usually not a good idea to gorge yourself on a greasy cheese steak hoagie when you're sick. However, it is a good idea to utilize the B.R.A.T. diet. Not the Subaru Brat pictured above...I don't know how that got in this post. The B.R.A.T. diet was devised as a short term solution to help you when dealing with stomach issues such as stomach aches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

B is for BANANAS which can help solidify your poop if you have diarrhea along with providing you with some vitamins and antioxidants. I usually eat a banana every day either straight up or in a fruit salad so we almost always have them on hand.

R is for *RICE which is easy to digest, low in fiber and provides you with some carbs. Rice is a filler and it being low in fiber helps your stomach to not want to evacuate before your poop forms (aka diarrhea).

A is for APPLE SAUCE which gives you some vitamins and some liquid so you don't dehydrate. After eating some seriously bland foods, eating some cold sweet apple sauce is a welcome addition.

The T is for TOAST. Toast (or crackers) provides you with some carbs and it can absorb some of the liquid that might result in diarrhea. Just remember to keep it simple. Don't lather on butter or other toppings until your body is ready to handle it.

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

While I'm thinking about it, it's also good to have plenty of water available. If you do get sick, staying hydrated is key to feeling better fast. But you can also substitute other beverages like Gatorade or Pedialyte. Just be careful with really sugary drinks, they are not good for you.

I believe that's all I'll need to prepare in case I experience any symptoms from the vaccine. I'm excited to get the second dose. With how this virus is mutating and moving through countries, how folks can't abide by simple precautions without making it a political statement, I'll feel better knowing I have another weapon in my arsenal against it. As a side note, I don't think I've ever written the word 'diarrhea' so many times in my life. So that's interesting.

Stay safe out there everyone.


Glad to see that other people are willing to get the vaccine and get an extra layer of defence against this virus. I got my first shot of Pfizer a few weeks ago, and I'm gonna get my second shot in a few days. I didn't get any symptoms after the first shot, and if I'm lucky I won't get any even after the second one. I have friends that already got the second dose and were just fine.

It baffles me how many people are just so willing to believe anything out there that goes against vaccines or against the lethality of this virus. It's a bit hypocritical in my opinion. The moment we feel even a bit sicker than usual we go to a doctor and we take the necessary pills to feel better, but for something such as Covid a lot of people are willing to believe anyone on the internet who has no medical or scientific background but talks about this virus as if they've studied it for decades.

Hope you'll feel well after your second dose! :)

It really is mind boggling isn't it? I mean, I get it to some degree, I'm a very skeptical person about everything. But I try to defer to professionals that have dedicated their life to their work over Jane Doe Blogger that suggests smearing cow dung on themselves to cure all disease. (It's actually something people do) Thank you for posting.