Reflection of the day: Success requires leaving the routine and leaving the comfort zone!

in #lifetrail7 years ago

Fuente: Pixabay

Thank you very much dear friends of steemit, for being present in my blog and accompanying with the reading of my post. This time I want to make a small reflection, last week I made a post where I commented that several people asked me why I stopped writing the themes of before.

The truth, I often ask myself that question, especially because I miss them a lot, although I had a lot of work in creating posts, I must admit that the rewards were also other, more in line with the material presented.

Actually I did not stop writing because they were going to give a lot of work, I did it for a good cause, at that time I was getting good rewards for my work and it seemed right to share part of them with the people who just started on the platform.

From that time to date, the compensations have fallen considerably, people who visited and voted for my work have stopped doing so, it is evident that it has to do with the materials that I am presenting.

Almost five months ago believes #miprimerconcurso, the administration of this contest requires and consumes a lot of time, was the reason to rethink my work, change to others that are more practical to publish and give me space and time to devote to the contest.

The contest gives me many satisfactions, I made friends, I met new colleagues, the truth is nothing more rewarding than to share part of your profit with other people, a way to feel useful, knowing that you are doing something right.

Maintaining the contest led me to replant my way of working and communicating with other users, stop visiting and commenting on the posts of other colleagues, the results can be seen in the votes and visits I get in my work.

I can not blame the platform, much less other users, the results are in sight, I have seen many users who previously did not earn anything, today they are doing it and that comforts me, knowing that others earn money, means that there is a opportunity to do it, although I do not have the talent, the popularity, or the level of these celebrities, I have something that is very important, the example to follow and the desire to do it.

Those who know me know that my strength is not the writing or writing, although this year I learned a lot, luckily, here on the platform there are very good professionals of what I have learned a lot, although I have a lot to learn, I feel that I'm improving day by day.

The vast majority know that I live from what I generate on the web, my biggest income I get here at steemit, I am very grateful and I want good for our beloved platform, I would never do something ill-intentioned that would hurt Steemit.

Maybe it's time to rethink things, have obtained good compensation for my work, led me to make decisions and establish myself in a comfort zone, things happen for some reason, they have lowered the compensation for my work, it means a slap in the face make me react and rethink my work.

Of what I am sure, because of my economic position and the family that I have to support, I can not afford to maintain these income levels, I could not afford the expenses that a home has, let alone face the costs of repairs of the roof that I have left pending for a long time and each time it demands more of me to do it.

A few days ago surfing the web I crossed with this material, it served to make me reflect and see things differently, today's work is inspired "Push the vaquita" a beautiful story of example and improvement, in which many times you have that to suffer a loss and face the adversities to find the overcoming and the success, I invite you to read this beautiful reflection that begins thus.

A long time ago, in a distant place, a wise old man walked along paths with his proselyte, the land of that place was very fertile, it housed many estancias dedicated to cattle and agriculture.

The unbeatable land, was very tempting for people who wanted to improve working and working the land, all the room betrayed progress, all but one, in the middle of two bright rooms, was a very lackluster and desmejorada.

This called the attention of the old wise man, who decided to visit his owners and see what the reasons were, slowly walked towards him, when they were attended by a very humble family dressed in rags, they showed an incredible poverty, something very striking for the wealth that the exploitation of the land could bring.

The people received their visitors very happily, invited them to pass and share under the leafy shadows of a tree, fresh water from the spring that owned the property.

The wise man observed everything around him, saw that he could make and earn a lot of money to live a dignified life without fright, once they entered into trust, the wise man began asking questions to identify the reasons why this family were immersed in that misery.

The homeowner confirmed that his only means of survival was the old cow that was in the barn, she provided the milk to produce their food, the exponents were exchanged for other supplies of their needs, emphasized that thanks to the old cow could subsist .

After a long conversation and having carefully observed the farm, the proselyte and the wise old man continued his journey.

"In the middle of the road, I turn to his faithful disciple and order him: look for the vaquita, take it to the precipice of there in front and push it to the ravine".

"The frightened young man saw the teacher and questioned him about the fact that the vaquita was the means of subsistence of that family. More as he perceived the absolute silence of the teacher, he went to fulfill the order. So I push the cow down the cliff and saw it die "

This action disturbed the proselyte for several years, one morning unable to stand the situation, decided to tell the whole truth to the owners of that property neglect, his events did not allow him to sleep peacefully, he wanted to see with his own eyes what were the results of his actions and if there was a way to compensate them, he was willing to take responsibility.

Way very determined by the place, on arrival could not find that farm, all were very prosperous and betrayed a good economic, I was sure he stood in front of her, but this was the most prosperous place, there he realized what worse, the family losing their old cow ran out of their only income to survive, having to sell the damaged farm.

However, I wanted to know the whereabouts of these people, I was willing to confess what happened and help them in some way, for this I knock on the door, was attended by teenagers very well dressed of fine figures, asked to please call the Home owners, I wanted to ask some questions.

Great was the surprise to see that the person who was presented, was that very humble person who had received the previous time, the man to see the proselyte immediately remembered and invited him to pass.

Once installed in the outbuildings of the beautiful estate, he could not help but ask how he had done so much better in a few years.

"The enthusiastic man replied: we had a cow that fell down the cliff and died, from then on we felt the need to do other things and develop other skills that we did not know we had, so we achieved the success that his eyes glimpse now"

After reading this beautiful story, I could not stop thinking about the old cow, in my case the old cow represents my comfort zone, the good compensations I received for my work, which led me to make certain decisions, the decrease in the compensations represent the fall of the cow by the precipice, which forces me to rethink my work.

No doubt you find a comfort zone and is established in it, it is very likely that your income will decrease considerably, if you want to be successful and receive good compensation for your work. You have to leave the comfort zone and rethink the work done.

"All of us have a vaquita that provides us with something basic for our survival, which is a coexistence with routine, makes us dependent and almost that the world is reduced to what the vaquita produces"


!If you want to be successful in steemit you have to abandon the routine and leave the comfort zone!

Source: Pixabay

It is notorious that our community is growing, every day we meet new partners who come to our platform, for this reason I want to put the foot of my post with some useful information.

If you have any doubts or questions about how to work on the platform you can access the link that I leave below to dissipate your doubts.

In the platform there are many users who present different types of jobs, there are for all preferences, for a matter of quantity I will just name some of them that I recommend you to visit:
@sirwinchester, @knozaki2015, @kingscrown, @doitvoluntarily, @englishtchrivy, @ericvancewalton, @good-karma, @htooms, @jrcornel, @kevinwong, @opheliafu, @pfunk, @stellabelle, @papa-pepper, @sweetsssj, @thecryptofiend.
I would like to be able to give you more information of the users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.

You can also find many contests that you can participate in, I'll give you some of the labels so you can access them and so learn better
Colorchallenge, beachwednesday, bwphotocontest, memechallenge, retovenezuela, steemitphotochallenge, treetuesday, MonochromeMonday, SunThursday, LoveFriday, BeautifulSunday,
These are some of the challenges that you can participate, you will slowly get to know others

For the Spanish-speaking community I can recommend three competitions that are in force, the competition @cervantes, stories chained and the one of spanishchallenge. I leave the links so that they can access them.

Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Spanish speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link To know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

If it was to your liking, please help spread my channel, reesteemit. This action can be the big difference and make my work known more


Yes dear friend @jlufer you are right, without hard work and leaving comforts we can not achieve our goals....

I appreciate your heart this pleasant visit and support that you always give to my work dear friend @nazirkhyber
I wish you a beautiful day

welcome back

thank you very much dear friend @junubia for this pleasant visit...

Great content my bro.resteemed

Many thanks dear friend @cryptomaker for the great support you give to my work it seemed a lot
I wish you a beautiful day

You are supporting the community. That's enough for me!

you are very kind dear friend @ bearbear613 heart appreciation your kind words
I wish you a wonderful day

Nice post my friend

thank you very much dear friend @amirphotography

You are welcome my friend

Great post my dear friend

thank you very much dear friend @saqib

My pleasure dear friend

great post. my frined @jlufer resteem

thank you very much dear friend @alal for the support you give to my work
I wish you a great day

good post dear thank u for sharing

Thank you very much dear friend @ live-with-love for your kind words
I wish you a great day

your welcome
thank u so much ❤❤

i think most of us our vanquita is we are comfortable of where we are and what we are doing and for us to go farther we have to embrace the change happening around us, we have to step back and look at life from a different view and re adjust our sail and dive in again but from a different angle . that how we can achieve more than we have done so far

thank you very much dear friend @joendegz for your time in reading and formulating this beautiful comment, cunatas of truths there are in them
I wish you a wonderful day

hey friend,i like your post every day because you put on interesting things in steemit

thank you very much dear friend @imon for your kind words

wow, this is a good post to read, thanks for the good content my dear @jlufer ...keep up the good posts.

thank you very much dear friend @ charles1 for the great support you give to my work
I wish you a great day

welcome my friend

great post, good job

thank you very much dear friend @elechuzo

Wow Nice post my friend @jlufer.

thank you very much dear friend / @ alamin7

Thank you so much for such a good reflection my dear friend @jlufer! I wish you have a great day!

you are very kind dear friend @maruharraca, I appreciate the support you give to my work

A lot of us have seen a drop in earnings, I for one am not doing very well doesn't matter what I post. I have been told to stick at it as it will get better, so I live in hope :)

I am in your same situation dear friend @ karenb54 betting with the hope that everything will improve
thank you very much for the support you give to my work

Your more than welcome and thank you for your support :)