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Very good use of the FWP meme! Lol

Lol. So steemit counts your view too? I used to be relieved that at least one person read. Dammit.

Yes! :(
Even multiple times...
Open one of your own posts, notice the view count, reload, notice the view count went up, reload again, notice the view count went up yet again...

Thats funny, now i believe half of the views in my first 2 days here were just me rereading my post.

Yes that's most likely true... Welcome to my reality as well... ;) :(

i see you out there, you got my vote

Lol! ;-)

it makes me cry.


LoL. I feel you

haha, that's a good one!

I cried watching this! Because too much crying involves LOL.

So I made one

This is a good one!!

Comment chivalry is ded!

so f'n funny!!!

hahah too funny!


That just happened to me, and it usually happens with new/low-sp authors. :( Look, that really just hurts the author. If they'd realize sparing their puny upvote would probably generate a follow for the future, they could grow their accounts too. SteemIt is supposed to be a social network, and it's not all about only voting where you get some fraction of a cent back. /RANT :)

Great insights!

Yes, EOS being valued so much more than Steem makes me crazy. But I also like it. When the market is stupid, it leaves good opportunities for those willing to research and understand.

Anyways .. i hope this BringS a W(iD)E SMILE .. to YOU -)))))
.. i'm HERE .. WitH and ON .. STEEM for the LONG HAUL !!! - )))

.. thankS for BEING YOU .. EtheR PUN'K !!! !!! - )))

and .. MerrY CHRISTMAS ! - )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

lovelovelove )))
.. you're friend - )))
greb'Z )

ps .. "no" salt needed .. when reading your posts - ))
.. at least until ??? .. you start serving POPCORN !!! !!! - )))
ha ha - ))))))))))

= .. your HE(art) .. needs no exPLANat'iON .. i.m.o - ))))))))

= CLEAR as BELL .. at .. 6:39 AM - )))))))))))))

Just expressing thoughts I’ve gathered from pets of the community over the past year lol. Memes are fun..

Btw You have a very different type style indeed. Is it part of some script or you type it all out yourself? I’m still trying to figure it out. No worries about powering down and all, everyone makes their own moves and nobody owes anyone anything at all :)

Great to hear you’ve been diversifying. The coins are doing pretty well atm! How’s the setup so far for the Ltc mining ops? It’s quite an undertaking.

Merry Christmas to you as well brother :)

Ahaha! I agree with every single one, I couldn't even pick a favorite! Great to have these collected all in one place. They really do hit the mark more so than circlejerk posts. In my opinion, this sends the message even more effectively, since they're done with a tinge of humor.

I really hate those people who earn just because they repost stuff found elsewhere on the internet. They could've at least added something to the discussion or, better yet, sent 100% of the earnings the OP's way. I think I've LOL'd the hardest on the flags thing. People really need to understand the whole situation before blowing an issue up.

Hahaha ..real5 funny memos....
But I realy know this one....
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..

Thanks @dini1 you got that nailed down. Use it as a personal development platform, besides social media.

Ur wel come @kevinwong sir...
I'm waiting for Ur next valuble update in thid platform...
I'm always try learn something with every steemit posts..
Good luck...

The last one gave a genius ending :)) I haven't seen a lot of whales poweing down though, maybe I'm just ignorant :)

Lol I’m not sure either, this more like a “general sentiment over the past year” meme post :D

Congratulation on reaching 75 reputation btw :) I hope I'm not mistaking and you reached it a short time ago.

I feel like some people will disagree on the payout on this post :D

Hence the final meme! I got it all covered!

to be honest I didn't survived to the last one ;)

A lot of truth in these memes. Humor helps especially when you want to grit your teeth and want to strangle someone.

And I went to Scotland to make original content. Kinda demoralizing :D Still having a blast though <3

Love ya Kevin, haven't seen your stuff around for a bit :3

Still a better story than Facebook lol. Seems like you’re gonna be there for some time? Take care man and safe travels..

Yeah i'l be exploring for a while. thanks for showing some love brother <3 Its well appreciated.

Best of wishes right back at you !

Scotland you say! Which bit?

System Of A Down will always be one of my favourite bands! Also I agree with the Memes, I've been on here a few months and see how It all goes down!

Haha i like the dynamics around here, definitely a more fun place to be compared any social sites i've been on xD

I agree 100% with mate :)

That poor woman really has a serious headache, I think she takes things too seriously. Have a good day Kevin, you make steemit fun.

these are effin spot on. never thought i'd upvote a meme post, but here you go. excellent job!

What, you’ve never voted for memes? You’re a role model! Sorry to take the status away from you lol..

Oh shit! Makes me realize I've got a shitload to learn about this system...bare with me! I've got homework to do.. ttyl.
Great post! Makes me curious, and also reveals my bliss (ignorance) of thinking this was just another way of blogging where all the body-bop-bloggers hadn't got world domination (yet).
I'll get there...and please help. :)
Merry Christmas and Merry Steeming!

There are many layers to this online RPG.. lol. Have fun discovering them ;) Likewie, merry xmas, and thanks for dropping by!

Shit, they were all hillarious and on spot XD

Well, if you ever support me I promise no.3 won't be for me, ho ho ho :D

Haha I've never done any deals, and that meme was just a casual observation.. anyway followed so i might see your stuff on my feed :)

Haha, oh dude. It's like a snapshot of the here and now. Some are so pertinent they hurt! :O)

This should be my last steememe series lol they’re pretty much evergreen stuff all in one now

There is always some be variation on a theme, I bet this won't be the end ;o)

These are spot on. This is what it is at the moment, enjoy the batshit craziness here now, over time it will dilute and normalize..

I wonder really, but yeah maybe over a couple years when everyone’s used to it? Well I’m pretty desensitised already lol

You've been here from the get go, you lucky man, no wonder you're desensitized. I'm still a newbie, marveling at these absurdities in pure awestruck wonder.

Oh man, these Memes are so true.

The best thing for me is to see that a Steemian like you is also seeing this and not only smaller ones. This spread hopes for a better and improved Steemit in the future :)

Lol they’re just memes! They leave out plenty of context I’m sure.. maybe.. and thanks btw!

Memes don’t need to cover much context, that’s why they are memes and their expression special ;)

Hahaha.. sooo true! I was like, how can they do that?!! And the thing is even I do same I won't still make more. 😅 Cheers!

Ah hard to fault anyone, no one owes anyone anything anyway.. so just have fun!

Haha very funny. I really liked most of the memes. At least, SBD mooned to keep up with the EOS price increase.

Lol yeah the sbd’s a great bonus. Hopefully it translates into better steem valuation when sbd tapers down. Actually I’m still unsure why it’s happening that way. Feels like some econs 101 hack

I think it will eventually. I actually haven't figured how or why it's pumping and continuing to pump. I thought it would have gone back down now since I'm almost very sure everyone is either selling their SBDs (which should lower the price) or using it to buy Steem on the internal market.

Good ones!I laughed quite a lot on all of them hahahha I guess we at least ones asked ourself a question from these steememes😂


Every time i say ok most of the problems are fixed something new comes out on the surface but we will survive :P

@filotasiza3 The problems are just getting started :) Steem on.

@splendorhub no no no from the time i came on steemit we got some problems, but think of it as a circle, it never ends and never will. the fun part is that a lot of times the problems are the exact same but the ''suspects'' change :P

Great observation :)

@kevinwong WOW… you’ Hit the nail on the head… not once or twice but several times!
One can only keep working fast and forward 😎 We still have the advantage over other platforms. Best wishes to you always 💕

Steemit has taught me how to make memes then lol. Yup steem on and don’t stop! Thanks , and best wishes to you too :)

Ouch... I sense a disturbance in the force ... is the negativity going to an extreme again on Steemit ??
I was thinking it should be gayer days with the Steem rise.

Lol always sunny days here, I’m just capitalising on what I’ve learned about the funny side steem and life for the past 2 years..

Oh damn...That's true stuff. Probably funny indeed. What's the hope fro created those memes? Have you hope to arrange battle meme contest like as @acidyo.......Lol :P

Haha i might, good suggestion!

My life every day man lol, The fix you would think would be to not allow voting on own content or comments however im sure people will then just register a 2nd account

Nah self voting ain’t a problem. Nothings really a problem here, except our expectations.. lots of good stuff that are way better than the bad stuff. As long as the money doesn’t go so much to scammers and stuff

ty for the bump on my posts / appreciated / happy holidays

That 1st meme though... @n@

Haha it’s just a meme. I actually think popular TAs are valuable because I can almost be sure there’s a pump with any prediction. It’s a good gamble. At the expense of others though

In a viewpoint of someone who is new in crypto, i burned a lot of brain cells reading this. :D
But i love reading technical analysis, or looking at those candlesticks and graphs and waves.
Too much information to digest! :v

Haha that second last one hits home!

"When EOS moons 10x more than STEEM even without going live yet"

I would have liked to see some of these with a different meme phot behind it though.

Haha I booted up my pc around 7am after failing to sleep, any good meme photo potential for these?

I think it might be funny to use "hide the pain Harold" only bc a lot of ppl think he looks like our fellow steemian @brian-rhodes

Edit: oh and I guess bc he's on the computer lol

Haha Harold was my first thought when I came across @brian-rhodes back then. Excellent choice.. for the next batch!

oh man, he's gona be pissed at me lol

I told him that I was eventually going to get the people of the world to start calling the meme "Brian" instead of Harold... is this the beginning?

Haha there's already bad luck brian though..

ah tru.. Maybe we can change the name to something else.

Just spitballing here:

"Just Breath Brian" or "Hide The Rage Rhodesy" or something that is actually funny lol (my examples kinda suck).

Got anything?

Lol I think I posted this at 9am my side, not enough sleep!

I woke up specially at 3.30 am today to make this for you :)

How can you know all these things if you are not a minnow?

I know everything.. i lurk around too much :p

LOL, good stuff @kevinwong

Thanks man, last one for the road before 2018!

hhhahah i cant stop laughing for 2 minutes straight away lol


hahaaahah you are a crazy man ;)

I thought i'm sane enough!

Here is some of my puny vote to cheer you up, I hope so.

lol :)

Wow, my total favourit is the last one "when lousy ass memes get paid more than your sophisticated dissertation of human condition". Great post, thanks man. :D

@kevinwong all of these is nothing but the plain truth. Am also tired of those selfish people on steemit. When you take your time to do research at the end of seven days all you could reap is nothing but few cents to a couple of dollars. It is so painful. Thanks for posting this.

wooow those are lots of problems that could occur here,, I never thought about that all,

Thank you for sharing with us. You are a man in my eyes. That's because your eyesight is a painful thing. I say everybody's life is in some trouble. You do not have to suffer hard times. @kevinwong

For my point of view this is absolutly true!!!!!!!thanks for the post

Most serious of these problems is mine....

Don't you know this place doesn't hardly value your voice unless you have $$$. So much for the principle of the sweat equity outlined in the white paper. It seems easier to self-vote, bid bot or circle jerk your way to Trending than to stand by the value of your content but that's just my opinion.

Lets Hope or the Best...

I can relate with these memes. I've been here for less than a month now and I've had someone tell me that she can't waste time thinking up content again,as all her works are not being valued. I've actually powered up,so I can help others. Its not easy to be really concerned about some issue,think concretely and post intelligently only to be upvoted by one or two guys. There,you see not so awesome post get the upvotes and rewards. It really should stop.

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