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RE: The brighter side of life

in #mindfullife4 years ago

major kudos for listening to your body. it is wiser than most give it credit for. it knows what it needs, but we must be clear, quiet to listen and heed what it says. I've found that I can touch and focus my attention on areas of pain .. and while focusing on a clear mind.. and also keeping my attention on the pain.. things relax.. and the pain fades. Depending on the depth of the pain, how long I've been doing (still doing?) whatever it is that caused the problem.. some of my pain has taken me years to work thru, but since I became more conscious of the process that works.. along with what is causing the problem, I have been able to work thru much of my pains to the point of having none at all. (after many, many years of neck problems.. and some days causing me to be 'out' for the day.. with excruciating pain).

I am now convinced it is stress. (but to little stress is also bad, I've found).

amazing how when you turn off your tv and phone.. and it is like covid doesn't even exist.

seems likely it doesn't, given the death numbers are similiar to flu.. and the CDC literally cancelled the flu for 2021

it reduced my stress greatly when I found God was with me.

that is the most pivotal moment in my life. then you listen closer, because it isn't just random shit happening around you.. but divine perfection in every moment of everyday.. and ask a question.. God will answer!

oh, sorry, just reminding myself. I've been a bit down lately given all the events and seemingly inevitable loss of freedoms that is being sold to the masses as protection from their own imaginations.

ah well, it is all just my imagination anyway.

I sure hope folks start to love their life so this world can shine again.


That's so well said. You focus on the pain and release it mindfully that's the best way to deal with all our problems in life. As far as covid is concerned, since the time it has set it seems like all other issues from the world have vanished, now there is no Cancer, No Cardiac cases, No flu, nothing, all we have is just Covid. I wonder sometimes don't they feel tired of all of this. A little bit of negativity when it seeps into me I feel exhausted, but guess that is their reality and that's why they are so comfortable in that frequency.
But they are forgetting one thing, majority of the people are not from that frequency, they are just asleep, so the longer this drags the more people will wake up and this will not be healthy for them at all.
Yes somedays are too much to handle I too feel low but then I turn to my best tool Meditation and it gets me back to my proper levels. Thank you for sharing your views so beautifully