
yes it's all true.
Are you British by chance?

No not British. Let's just say I have yellow skin. :p

Asian then?


wait, does ding mean yes?

Please don't be disappointed with me not revealing myself just yet. In time you will understand as well as everyone else.

maybe you're famous and don't want to reveal yourself?
I'm insufferable, I know. sorry

or you could be a wanted man.

you making laugh girl

You must of got your DINGS and BUZZES mixed up LOL


Native American......Now i'm really dying....pretty please? picture?
I shared 25........

I hear ya...

I'm an impatient Alpha female. I want what I want when I want. Oh well, I'll just retreat back into my Vulcan cave where I've been for last seven years....

I detect you either have something to hide, or some reason for increased privacy.

you could always send me a pm on busy if you don't want it on steemit.....
or follow me on twitter.....@stellabelle

No twitter account or fb. I'm weird remember?

native american?


cool....can i see a photo?