Collect Moments, Not Things

in #moments7 years ago (edited)

It is nice to have materials things, but it should not be the priority. The priority should be what you are living everyday in your life with yourself and your love ones. We are in a journey that will have an end on Earth before we depart.


If you work to have things, make sure they do make your life easier in order to live life; in other words, work to live, don't live to work for them. All things stay here and you won't be able to take them with you.

What will go with you are all the experiences you work for in this world. Do not get caught up in the world of things because the wealth is not really with them. Your wealth is your spiritual and personal growth through the experiences of life.

Work hard to live experiences, not things. Many blessings to all my friends.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

There are 2 pages

Yeah absolutely right " Collect moment not thing' Moments are priceless
We tend to put values on what we buy such as a new car, which we may value at $30,000. However when it comes to experiences, it becomes harder to put a numerical value on memories.

Most people fail to realize that each experience is unique. Unlike most material things, you can’t compare moments with each other. Even if you are going on the same trek, chances are you will meet new trekkers and make new friends.

But the happiness arising from purchasing material things will fade away eventually. That’s why buying a second car may not be as exciting as buying the first one.

Similarly, each experience is priceless. Can you put a price tag on your child’s smile when he scores a goal in his first soccer game ever?

100 % agree !! the memories you make will be in memory, and discussed many times. So that is something to look back on. And makes it a much better "gift "
A gift is for the moment ,..........

i am realized this important thing to read your post.its 1oo percent real truth. .You always give us a very powerful message about the life in a very short and simple way!!! Actually you teach us little things in life that could lead us to happiness.thanks to sharing for your good post dear..@javybar

Anything we can all provide to help each other is the main idea. thanks my friend :)

thanks to dear for your approciate word..@javybar

Very true my friend :)

Memories are more important than materialistic things.

I always collect moment with all experience

Well done my friend
Yes for money and pleasure for their place in our lives, but they are not the most important thing in life.
To live in a way that pleases God and to enjoy the work we do is the most important thing we must strive for, creating wealth and collecting things without enjoying them and leaving them at death.

Very well said my friend!

Absolutely right. You can't take any thing with you, even coffin don't have any pocket. So it is better to prioritize relation, good deeds instead of materialistic things. Give importance to relation so when you passed away from this World people remember you due to your good time with them. nice sharing @javybar

you have a great point. People won't remember you for the material things you gave, but they will remember with the good action you did.

Every day is a bank account, and the money on it is our time. There are no poor and rich, everyone has 24 hours.
(Christopher Rice) If people would appreciate it :(

Exactly. Everyone has 24hours a day. It doesn't end when you return from your job, to your home. Make the best of it. Create memories you would be proud of.

well said it's 100% true .... the memories we had collected will be with us always in our life and after life in our soul, things are never been with you life long as it's gor certain time time period so choose your own 😉😉
great one @javybar

totally true, we decide what to take with us and that is only experiences, thank you :)

Excellent motivation concept @javybar. Material things definitely require also require to find moment happiness. Free time stay and talk with familiar members. Require to find love. Then we can find succeed way.

very well said. The small things are the bigger ones all the time.

Often people look for great pleasures, possessions, money, success in business or personal happiness. And although these achievements can be rewarding, they do not necessarily bring us that inner happiness that the human being longs for.

If we look at examples of popular people who achieved fame, success, money and recognition from around the world but who ended up in a sad, lonely, and premature way, we will realize that all those achievements did not make them feel completely happy . Characters like Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, David Carradine or the recently deceased Robin Williams give us the alarm that we need "something else". But where is that what we are looking for?

The normal thing is that we go through life in "automatic pilot" that we do not stop to observe ourselves, to listen to ourselves and to find ourselves with that internal being that is speaking to us but that we do not attend. Maybe we are afraid to become aware of our path in life, maybe we know that there are things that hurt us, worry or disturb but we prefer to go with that "background music" of haste, consumerism, the desire to get more far, to anticipate the next season without having reached the one we are going, to enlist in relationships that do not make us happy but that suddenly give us a strong but temporary emotion ... and that is how our lives go by and even though we try to fill ourselves Finally, we feel empty.

As @javibar says, the material makes you feel good ... but it does not give you happiness, the material can not be taken to the other world ... so do not cling to the material, live your life and be happy.

Thank you the comment and excellent information my friend :)

@javybar, That's best quote indeed nice encouraging post. I'm completely agree with you. Most important thing is grow our personal power. Not a material power. In fact, best way to encourage this is the use of optimism, gratitude, kindness, compassion, and nurturance of ideas and growth. Being flexible and using present moment response creates the space to open to truth in various forms through sound, word, and information. Nice you decided to share. Have a nice day.

the use of optimism, gratitude, kindness, compassion, and nurturance of ideas and growth? So good you mentioned these aspects because they're all needed for all of us, thank you!

it's very true you might lost things in the race of life but you will never lost the memories that yoi had collected .. it will be always with you in your mind and heart @javybar

Totally agree with you! In the mind and the heart, keep it that way :)

I really agree with you @javybar. your words always give me great inspiration and advice. Thanks @javybar. material things is not everything. indeed with money we are able to buy everything but not true happiness. family, friends and love is more important than material things. may we not be blind to matter.

"we are able to buy everything but not true happiness". I really love your thought on this topic. You are totally right, the real happiness is really within us and the experiences we go through everyday. Thank you!

Definitely agree with your points. Keep in good moments given longer support to increase life level. But don't forget to our lovelies. Wealth and happiness must seek to manage life better.

you do make a good point. Started following you :)

Buenos dias javybar, es verdad al momento de nuestra muerte no nos llevamos nada , y hasta en ocasiones ,lo que dejamos crea discordia y hasta algunos terminan en la carcel ,por pelearse una propiedad o hasta una cadena o anillo , en fin javybar esto es un caos .
Yo considero que debemos tener lo que necesitamos , marcando prioridades, lo material se lo pueden pelear cuando no estemos , pero los momentos jamas , esos siempre estan con nosotros.
Tengo un lema y es , en la vida no te queda sino lo que te comas y lo que te pongas .
Feliz dia :)

Buen bien dicho! Hay muchas situaciones donde la verdad las cosas materiales solo traen problemas, pero a la ves cuando se trabaja por ellas y nos dan felicidad, son una bendicion. Su dicho esta muy bueno!

I'm totally agree with you @javybar. Wealth need to life. But not only it. Basically spiritual growth must needed to keep life better. Happiness not gives from only money. Happiness is a one of feeling. So try to do better.

very true my friend, very wise comment

I strongly agree with you collect moments not things great words although small but great i appereciate you for explaining
If you work to have things, make sure they do make your life easier in order to live life; in other words, work to live, don't live to work for them. All things stay here and you won't be able to take them with you.

you are very welcome! :)

For me those moments are when I'm with family or friends. Or when I'm completely focussed on one task. Great read!

You are absolutely right, but sometimes to understand this, you have to go through something terrible, like my uncle, all his life he was very stingy gaining good without helping even children, and only after a serious illness, when trouble passed, he became a different person. We do not recognize him, he realized that you can not take anything with you to the grave. And I really like this uncle. Thank you for the message, maybe it will make someone look at the world with different eyes. Have a nice weekend :)

wow, that's a life changing story my friend. Some people learn the hard way what it is really important in life and you can take with you and what you can't. I'm glad your uncle is a different person now. Very impressive experience. I appreciate you sharing this experience.

You are very right, wealth is not something that guarantees us happiness, we also do not bring wealth if we leave this world. The wealth of the treasure is not eternal but the wealth of the heart is the most important thing we must have in order for us to live and happy people around us.

The wealth in the heart is what matters my friend! Very well said!

you always giving a good thought idea in our life.i respect your good quality dear.Wealth need to life. But not only it. Basically spiritual growth must needed to keep life,everybody should be collect her moments and live to long happiness.very well done dear...@javybar

Great words my friend. You definitely got a good idea of the message. I appreciate your comment :)

I am very impressed with your post, you are very right to work for a life not a life to work a very meaningful word once, so not only work that we must seek in this life to gain wealth, because it is not a wealth that guarantees our happiness.

Very correct! Definitely wealth can be take as blessings if they bring happiness to you. It is a curse if they bring sadness or fights for many. What matters is always what you have inside of yourself and what you can offer to others. Thanks :)

happiness is not measured by the richness and poorness of a person, but the happiness is because we have a great wealth of hearts. we do not bring riches when we die, so do something that makes your heart happy so as not to waste what you do. thanks @javybar

you are very welcome :)

people who consider wealth is everything is a person who really loss and enslaved by the treasure, life is our choice to be happy yourself and also the person we care about, so from rich rich treasure with rich so that we become happy, work for us life is not life to work, I am very impressed with the words it @ javybar, thanks for the inspiration.

I appreciate your comment and impressive opinion. Thank you very much !

Yeah, right we should collect our good memories, experience and happy moments, not the material things. It the happiness surely com to in your life 😊

very well said my friend! I'm in if you or anyone would like to chat, I appreciate it :)

thank you 😊 sure

Great post..Loved the amazing words.Yes we should collect moment not things because the moment is always with you in your life but things may be lost or can broken any time. Moments are the things which we remember and which makes us happy ..Thanks for sharing it with us..@javybar

Very true my friend, Thanks!

Material things are important for the type of life we want to live but material things are not life and don’t forget to live life in order to get them cause even poor people are happy and rich people are sad, living life counts which will be with you forever but materials will mot.

Great point! We should not mind having material wealth but we just have to remember what really makes us happy. Keep that in mind, Thanks my friend.

yeah,friend your opinion really remarkable.every person if her work properly doing when he was happy.a good moment make doing a real life future success and helped doing her all work,we should make doing a good moment collecting in our life then can live long and happiness in our life.thanks to sharing for your good and orginal work dear..@javybar.

I appreciate it my friend. Collecting the best experiences possible is actually the key to live life plenty. You are very welcome

i am really happy to know that you aporociate my word.its my luck dear..thank you @javybar

*************Moments Define Our Personality*****************

Our experiences and memories are the strongest factors that govern our behavior and shape our personality. People are born with different genetic predispositions.

However, it is environment and memories that may bring out some of those characteristics while suppressing others. For example, coming from a financially weak background might make you practice gratitude for everything you have achieved so far.

In other words, experiences help you grow. Every experience you gain shapes who you are in one way or another.

Positive memories often encourage you to lead a fulfilling life, while negative ones enable you to learn from your mistakes. Even the simplest experience can shape your desires, beliefs, and goals.

Well said:

Moments Define Our Personality

Positives and Negatives have a reason to exist in our lifes.

this is very true..i too have realized this truth recently..what we value most in our life is the loved moments..the moments we shared together..sometimes we cry after remembering a happy moment we have spent and sometimes we laugh remembering a moment that we have cried..that is how life works :)

I really like your ideas.You always give us a very powerful message about the life in a very short and simple way!!! Actually you teach us little things in life that could lead us to happiness.Thank you so much for making us aware about those little treasures that would take us to the happiness

it is definitely a pleasure my friend. Started following you as well. :)

I am so glad to here it

Hiii @javybar, wonderful sharing and writen about life. I agreed with your words, there is no doubt that everything is staying in this world just our deeds go with us. so "work to live, don't live to work"
Very impressive quotes you quoted here.

"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"

I appreciated your quality work here and support your efforts my friend. keep it up and Take care.

You are very welcome and I appreciate your kind words my friend :)

Thanks a lot for your reply and support as well.

Well yes enjoy the time that we have and live every moment happily :)

Exactly that should be the motto of our life when we will die the last stage of the life only those moments while be cherished forever nothing more is valuable than that

totally agree my friend, thank you!

I agree with your thoughts, my friend, collecting material things is not good for our life, coz they do not give you happiness. Memories is the best If we are collect to spend a good time in our life.

I could not have said better than you. thanks

well dude I am astomished about your personnality for giving wonderfyll idea.s to steemit family. In some extent let me say that you are a LEADER of this family. I feel you alway encourage people, boost them by posting goid stuff. My best friend ask me to follow this person so I did, at that I did not know that I am follower of a great human being. By tge pessage of time its true, you have gutts to take people to sky. keep doing this I am tottaly with you.

Stay blessed

my friend, I totally appreciate your kind words. The results of my work is reflected on your opinion. I feel very grateful and i will keep this up the best I can to provide good content for all of us. I appreciate it again. I started following you.

We can collect Moments for free.

The biggest problem with collecting material things is that you can’t acquire them for free. Plus, comparisons of material items can quickly create feelings of unhappiness.

A friend of mine bought the latest smartphone. After spending more than $500 on it, he was happy only until he found that another friend had bought the same phone for less than $500. Apart from being unhappy, now he was also $500 poorer.

Unlike material things, memories can last forever. Most material things perish, fade or break down eventually.

We live in a world where products have a limited shelf life. From clothes to electronics, new products with better features are continuously coming to stores, putting even the most recent purchase out of use sooner than you can imagine.

Take electronics for example, whether it is a mobile phone or a TV, new models are rapidly replacing old ones. The planned obsolescence is one of the reasons why buying material things can never lead to lifelong happiness.

Work hard to live experiences.

Yes you are right sir @javybar . We should hard work for experience . We just dont spent time we should learn our work and anything where we spent time .
Thanks for sharing with us very motivation post .
Stay blessed and steem on!

you are very welcome my friend :)

You are rght @javybar moments are very important then things. Your post is very motivative .

Yes sir absolutely right. Memories always remember in whole life . Memories is the gift by the God . Its an amazing post .

For me it´s important to collect memories, because that´s the reason we are living for. To be happy with things, we are doing. To have a lot of things is always ballast.

Collect Moments, Not Things
Great thoughts @javybar
Fill your life with adventures not Things

wow...very nice article,my dear friend @javybar,
Moments must be precious..enjoy with no time..likes it,
thank you for sharing with us,

100% agree with you moments give to much but thinks are only for limited strong words for steem members

Moment live forever but things may waste.

People these days give priority to things than moments, but at last what matters is moments you have collected whether good or bad, you recall them in your old days, at that time money doesn't matter at all

It's true people should collect moment not money

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