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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

True, I actually agree with your statement that the community is actually hard to find due to the simple fact that we don't really have a comprehensive list comprising of all available active communities! 

But here are some tips which you could definitely use to look for such communities! Just join in their Discord channels and get in touch in the communities there. You would be surprised how many members are already there!

1. Look for country-based communities:

- Well, I would say this is the best starting point one could utilize to explore the Steemit blogging communities effectively. Use hastag such as 'teammalaysia', 'nigeria' or just depending on where you are based in, in order to join the discussion. People from the communities could easily spot your article and then introduce you to their community groups, in which you could obtain advice from the seasoned bloggers in the group! Also, not to mention, certain communities even provides 'upvoting service' in order to let their members grow together! How cool is that!

2. Look for platforms:

- Secondly, you could also join various interesting platforms such as, or even SteemHunt as well as others which I did not list here! They all have their own goals which they wish to promote. For instance, advocates and incentivises the contributions towards specifically Open Source works, while rewards Q&A knowledge sharing activities. Well, you get the idea. Just participate in these platforms and get in touch with the communities. 

Well, my answer is not exhaustive and there are actually so many more out there for you to explore! I believe by following as many interesting people as you could, you would eventually be exposed to many more platforms! Good luck and keep Steem-ing!


@plokmi, yes thanks for your suggestions! They're very helpful as a starting point (: