Ouch - Show Us Your California

in #mycalifornialast month

Hi friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @thesocalhive where we share an aspect of our California.

While it may be winter in California, there are still lots of active animals and bugs. The bees are not as plentiful as during the spring of course, but they are still around - my daughter found out the hard way:



Ouch! Got the stinger out of the ear though and it was inflamed for a day or so, but then subsided. All good!

Thanks for coming by and checking out a piece of my California.



In her ear of all places! most bug sting when they're getting stuck between an arm and the body but why there, well it's not going to kill her but we don't want our kids harmed in any way as parents 🤎

cool Christmas earring too! 😀👍

Bees are usually quiet, must have been annoyed

It is rare to see a bee around in winter. Get her well soon!

That entered her ear?

Oh shit on the ear!? OUCH! California is out of control! 😂🤣☠️

I got stung by a bee, I had to go to the doctor, these animals are cute, but look at the way they sting, I'm glad your daughter is okay.

You have to take care of it because it can cause ear pain so you should consult a doctor.

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