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RE: Weekly redfish and minnow mixer - 100% SBD giveaway 4-12-18

in #newbiegames6 years ago

Fishyness is based on what steemit calls vest. (I have no clue yet what a vest is). A redfish is someone with less than 1,000,000 (one million) vest. A couple of days ago, that equaled for me 491 SP. (one million vest = {amount}SP changes over time). So the next step up is minnow at the 1,000,000 vest level. then a Dolphin is ten times bigger than a minnow so you need 10,000,000 vest to become a dolphin, and so it grows by tens, next is Orca 100,000,000 and then whale 10,000,000,000 I think if I am remembering right.

Most new users think they are minnows.


The following link is to a post a few years old but it explains the vests to steem principle and why your SP grows over time by itself.

That's a great article and I almost missed it. Thanks for sharing it. I learned a great deal right there and it was useful as I was contemplating powering down and buying SBD when the exchange was right. I sure won't bother with that now.

I know I learned a great deal by reading that. Keeping Vests is the only way to longer term prevent against inflation on this block-chain.

Oh, well I'm totally a redfish then. I knew I was the smallest, no matter what my wife says.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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