
RIP Princess Leia. She is now One with the Force.

Another amazing actress has left. R.i.P

Yes let's hope she is the last this year.


She was certainly a nice lady from seeing her in interviews and reading her writing. She didn't pretend she was perfect and that's part of what I really admired about her.

Ya, follow me ok

Slow down mate. I don't know anything about you. Do you have an introduction post?

Yes .

You don't really say much do you? I have looked at your blog and I don't really see a proper introduction there. If you consistently post good content I will follow you but right now I am following a lot of people so I can't just add everyone.

Was so excited to see her in last year's star wars after all these years... RIP. Thanks for posting this!

You're welcome.

Great post upvote and follow you.
Gran post te voto y te sigo.
Follow me please:

Thanks. Nice intro post. Welcome:)

good by carrie

She will live on in our minds and memories.

Cool lady... She had no problem letting the world know she was just like us all -- a real human being. She will be missed.., I wish her well on her journey...

Yes for sure she will be missed.

Sad news. If I was a celbrity I'd wrap myself in bubble wrap and not leave the house for a few days.

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I found out this news from your article and I cannot believe it!! This year has been so tragic, just a few days after George Michael... what is going on? Luckily only a few days left for this terrible year!

Yes it is really crazy isn't it?

Indeed.... Let's hope 2017 is better!! Any plan for the new year celebration?

I'm just going to spend it with family. I have some friends who might be coming up to visit just before but I don't think they will be able to stay for the day itself. What about you?

Just me and the hubby spending it at home quietly. Where we live, we can actually see the fireworks near the London Eye from our window so that should be fun. :)

I hope this will be the end of these deaths this time :(
Thanks for sharing.

Me too. I thought we were done for this year.

@thecryptofiend, she was my first crush. Her mom is my mom's twin...or what many people thought.

Yes I think she was for a lot of boys. Very sad 60 is so young these days.

Chris Farley's death was a hard for me in my 20s and this one is hard for being such a big fan of Star Wars. She was beautiful

Yes she was and with her movie legacy she always will be.

Clearly I have loved her since I was seven. But I really learned to appreciate her as an adult. She was absolutely hysterical during interviews. I'm sad for her family but she lived a pretty full life in her short time here.

Yes she was a great lady. I particularly appreciated her openness about her personal problems and struggles.

Makes you realise how fragile life is for Everyone. 2016 has been far too sad

Yes there have been so many David Bowie, Mohammed Ali, Prince, George Michael and so many others. These are the ones that I instanly think of because they meant so much to me. It is strange how someone you have never even met can have such an impact on your life.

Its all to hard to understand, why so many stars, some of them aren't what you would call old, its weird and scary

I think it is stress and drugs mainly for the younger ones.

I think they have a lot to do with it

The last few days is been one a day .. scary

Yes it's been weird. Maybe it the stress of Christmas/New Year as a contributory factor. This tends to be a time when mental health problems reach crisis point and as a result it puts more strain on people emotionally and physically (due to stress hormones like cortisol). People also tend to turn to drugs like alchohol more at this time of year which doesn't help.

Let's hope that's the last of the deaths, its bad enough on the families but worse around a time when you should be celebrating

Yes and I feel for the families - imagine having to arrange a funeral when everyone else is celebrating - plus a lot of businesses are shut off till the New Year. You could end up paying a lot more to make arrangements due to that.