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RE: Another Gala, Another set of Pics in Various States of Undress

in #nsfw6 years ago

You have the right mindset. And if you put love in what you do, than you can achieve your goal in making the world better.
I personally am confronted with a lot of people who are trying to trigger the emotional aspect for business matter where strategy changes would logically apply. I think this could be an idea for a future blog post.

Frankly I more and more believe that people working in the adult entertainment industry are way more authentic and sincere than in so-called normal branches. Not all but some of them for sure.


I think that is a good idea for a blog post.

Many people in the adult/nsfw arena are better, or more firmly, self-actualized. Unapologetic. Why bullshit about what you do? Do it and do it well!

Thank you.
No bullshitting on things just seeing facts as they are. Actually, it has got nothing to do with what I do as I am inactive at the moment. Trying to find a suitable solution to be as close as possible to my soul-mate.
I do not even feel anything for things going on with companies I do not want to feel bothered more than necessary by useless stuff.
Just thinking about transitioning into another activity I could feel fine with and that matches my values which have drastically changed in since since september 2017. I learned more about myself than ever before and feel great with that. Faced a lot of hurdles and inconvenience (physical as well) that are still building my personality at the current time. A huge change of my own paradigm is on the run at the moment, I think it will still last for a while.