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RE: The Podcast Pontifications

in #ocd4 years ago

I wish there was an archive of deep and rambling conversations, wouldn't that be the bestest? I'm sorry I didn't respond promptly, this week definitely got away from me, mainly due to having ill friends who have a ton of livestock. I'm sure you know how horrid it is when someone who farms goes down for any reason, it's been interesting!

Oh, and my cohost and I had an epiphany moment this week about what exactly it is we are trying to do, let's just say that we finally figured our mission out and it has a lot to do with questions and thinking and such. My brain actually hurts from trying to quantify it all, but I'm exited about the project and I will let you all know about it as soon as it's ready to launch and stuff.

Ack, that was sorta vague, sorry, lol, it's kinda a deep thing and slightly irreverent. Hmm, I am going to go drink some coffee now, hope you are having the best day:)