Getting back on track!

in #ocd2 years ago

Getting back on track

It's been nearly two years I guessed I've stop exercising. Too many on and off MCO for the whole two years.
It's quite depressing somehow when you only can lock yourself at home, no outdoor activities. 😅

So since it's already 2022,another brand new year I have to push myself to get back on track again. 😂

I'm super lucky enough to inherit a high metabolism genes that no matter how much I ate or don't do any workout I will still remain slim and thin. 😂
Really really greatful for this great gift. Hehe
Then you must be wondering why must I push myself to do some exercise or workout ?

Thin or slim doesn't means one doesn't have to exercise or workout but it's mainly for a reason to have a healthy & strong body.

Yesterday was my 3rd day for fast brisk walking. Challenging myself to walk faster every time I go for a walk.5KM is a great start. 😉💪

It's so nice to have such a beautiful view during my walk.

Somehow the weather was great yesterday but it's was a little gloomy & super windy where you can feel ur cap is going to fly off anytime if you're wearing one. 😂
Don't know what's up with the weather recently.

Getting myself back on track wasn't as easy as before,I realised the older you gets the more excuses you make for yourself. 😂

But well at least I'm still trying my very best to catch up and get back on track after those rough years back then.
I guess everyone deserves a second chance in everything they do.

So keep going and heads up high while taking baby steps to reached your destination.
