
Awwwwww it must be so cool to enjoy your cute baby now. I think childhood is the best time for the parents to get close to their babies. Soon after they start to seriously grow... End. Lol. I think up to 7-10 years. After that, the kid is too young and cool to hang out with the oldies lol. I can remember that time in my life. So yeah, the time spent with them when they are babies and have the cutest feet and hands and face is just priceless.

I think up to about ten are the golden years apparently. After that it's a serious downhill run!

Hahha. Yes. It will begin with "stop holding my hand", leading to " I don't need you to go with me everywhere", to "get a life you adult, I am a grown up now" lol. Ah.... And when you think they were all just tiny little feet. Funny how life is.

Yeah, bugger that. I'm throwing them out the house right now to get in first :0D

Hahahah 😂