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RE: Steemit Openmic Week 102: I’m Glad There Is You

in #openmic6 years ago

Hah! Best comment so far. Thank you. The horns are quiet because I was trying to hide them and production skills are what they are. And I feel the same about the snap. I should have recorded it separately instead of with the vocals. As it is I can't adjust the two separately.

When I have a band we will play it. And yes improve is a big part of "jazz". But you don't want to hear me improvise in trombone yet ;)

Thanks for the honesty.

Posted using Partiko iOS


But you don't want to hear me improvise in trombone yet ;)

I want to listen to your trombone.. as long as you don't sing! because I like your voice.. hahahaha and I can discard any other instrument that follows because of that, LOL! come on... do it with your confident, you're a talented musician, I can hear it from the contra-bass.

Fair enough, I've got something a little different planned for next week but after that I'll see what I can give you for some jazz improv. Thank you :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

wiil wait for it @shookriya, I like jazz music and I'm following you for that