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RE: So I Recently Began This Thing Where I Take

in #outofthinairlast year

The chiropractor at my work drives a black outback, but I have a feeling you aren't him, even though I've never seen the two of you in the same room together.

I liked that you misspelled stocker. It gave me something to do. And I DO remember Thrifty ice cream, and Thrifty Drugstore. You didn't misPLElell that either, you were just being thrifty with your Ts. You really only need one T per word these days, if any at all. Language is always evolving, particularly when it comes to defunct drug store ice cream.

Chocolate malted crunch and mint chip on a cone. Back when gluten was still non-gmo by default.

I am physically incapable of using eyedrops. My eyes won't let my hands put shit in them and my hands are like, why tf would I put shit in my eyes, anyway?? (aka wimpy)

Portland has a naked beach somewhere on Sauvie Island. But being naked in Portland is only for bike rides.