My Dog Eats Better Than You

in #outofthinair3 months ago

Hello. Good afternoon or whatever. Now that we got that outta the way, let's get reel.


My buddy... Clarence, we'll call him. I've always wanted to call someone Clarence. 48 years later, I don't know a single one. Life-is-not-fair!!!! Anyhoo, Clarence..

What do you feed Atlas, just veggies and turkey? Do you season it?



𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭




Fine, I'll tell you.

Clarence has a sick dog. Sick-sick like 1k/week to keep alive, sick. I asked what happened but they're still waiting for results. Symptoms are almost died, red blood cell something, white blood cell something and whatever else he said. I remember 3 grand and almost died.

Could be a poison. We spray our properties with different poisons around here to prevent mosquitoes and ants and other nuisance insects no one likes. Or, the food.

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not garbage disposals. I guess Clarence's wife researched the food they've been giving their dog and didn't like anything she discovered. They mentioned some of the stuff I feed Atlas to their vet and apparently I know wtf I'm doing.

Their dog received several blood transfusions over the course of a couple weeks while in veterinary care. Lab results haven't pinned the issue yet so she had to stay there until they could stabilize her enough to return home. Until results come in, they're reaching for solutions.

Clarence has since cancelled the poison guy. They're in the market for alternate menu options now.

That's what this is.


Couple things; first, know what Not to feed your dog. Grapes or almonds, tomato, any pits: plum, peach, et cetera can kill them.

Then, learn what proteins work for your dog. I can't feed Atlas Chicken, does horrible things to her. Chicken meal, chicken byproduct, chicken something is in almost everything. Pork isn't much better. Beef is, slightly, it's just so fatty. Turkey and fish seem to agree with her the best.

Once you figure those things out, mix it up, no one wants to eat the same thing every day. Atlas loves brussel sprouts. Those are like her candy. Cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, radish—best friend.

95% lean ground turkey, carrots, cucumber, potato, and a little bit of olive oil. Prepare it like you'd prepare turkey, vegetables, potato, and a little bit of olive oil.


We work out of two bags of kibble. I like to have at least two strains on me at all times, too. Mix them together, alternate back and forth or upside down, figuratively spice things up a little.


1n1/2 heaping cups of kibble and about the same for topping, 2x/day. Mix well. It should make enough for +/- four days. Breed, weight and age determine portion size. This explains that.


I heat up the topping for about 30 seconds once it's been refrigerated. Cold potatoes, ~Mmmm said no one ever.


This last one's my signature move—patented. Developed it myself. I don't typically share it but it's just us here anyway, so, fuck it.


I sing to her while I mix it up.


I'll hold it down by her nose sometimes, too, in the middle of a twist cuz I can get down on a tile floor in socks, dude! No two songs are the same. They change every time.

A cappella.


Mmmmmmmm you're gonna loooooovve this
You're gonna mm mm mm mm looooove this
Cuz you're a daddy's girl a what a daddy's girl
You're a wikky-wikky-wikky-wikky daddy's girl

She can hardly stand it in case you can't tell.





She's a beauty and deserves the best.

It was so FoodFighFriday'esque, Pura read it and smacked me with a frying pan.

Thank you for the reblog. Much love, you guys.

Pilot likes his songs about eating his dinnerman and drinking his waterman. That's how you do it! You gotta sing the song.

He's really into his stinky fish and mixed veggies. And berries that are blue. Often I just cook both of us the same meal. I don't eat the kibble, though. Too crunchy.


Oh, for sure. It's baby food but humans can totally eat it.


This one's so like a kid. She's since shunned the blueberries, used to like them but treats them like stock kibble now. Lettuce, too. I had a whole song about lettuce but she's since outgrown it and says I'm immature.

Omg lettuce is soooo last month, didn't you know??

Pilot once looooved him some crunchy carrots. But I was giving him baby carrots without the skin and he was getting yeasty. Tried diced carrots but he said nope!

She ever eat oatmeal? It goes really well with stinky fish.


Never even considered it, good idea. Oatmeal's pretty packed with nutrients too. Oatmeal.. Go deal.. Oatmeal.. Fo real, oh hell yeah there's a song there somewhere.

Please keep me apprised of the Atlas Oatmeal tune as it develops.

That's one lucky dog!

She's hardly the center of attention at all, can you tell?

Not unusual I have cooked for all my dogs over the years, sweet potato, vegetables, brown rice, with meat (all except pork), was advised to use one type of meat at a time not to mix meats, plated up with handful of kibble (don't trust all brands) twice a day.

Do love the feeding stand, taller dogs need this.

That was Pura's idea. Hers are always the good ones.

She loves sweet potato. Brown rice, oh Joan. Just recently, not even two weeks ago, we learned she can't do brown rice. White, yes. Brown.... omg.. Poor thing. Took like 5 days to figure it out.

Making wrong choice does happen, some of my dogs loved samp (maize) till one had problems with dry skin which I immediately stopped after a week or two feeding.

My sister had a beautiful dog like Pura, found the floor polish she used in the home the dog was allergic to. Dogs like humans definitely encounter problems from different things.

Is that like keto for dogs?

It's not necessarily dog specific, Colonel. If this phone would catch up to my thoughts, I'd DM you a bowl.

Technology.. bla.

Well if your phone ever catches up, I'll definitely smoke it.

I hope Clarence's dog will recover and get the opportunity to try the result of this recipe. With the freestyle singing included 🎶 ;)

Horrible. I feel so helpless for sick animals. People, meh, animals however...

Can you tell I've been practicing? I'm just about primed to cover Imagine on Vibes.

I appreciate you, young lady. <3

Young or old, who would know.

The glass says that I am just vintage. :D


For that cover... I guess a capella is your choice but you know, it's not bad with a piano accompaniment either ;)

I thought you'd never offer!!

Everything cool is vintage now. It's not antique or broken in or seasoned anymore, it's vintage.

If @mipiano's cup doesn't say that, I'd send it back.

= }

The way he emptied the plate showed how good he enjoyed the 'magical' recipe your made.😂

The Luckiest Guy I Know has the luckiest dog. Go figure.

1999, by Prince, is on right now. Completely off subject, I know this, but great song nonetheless. = }

Kamala Harris GIF by PBS News


I see these rednecks around here rockin t-shirts that say I'm voting for a felon and has number 34 in big ass numbers on the back like a jersey. :vomit:

Hypocrites. If they knew of my legal history, they'd burn me at the stake.

Atlas for sure is the luckiest dog! She loves Brussel Sprouts. Wow, way better than human kids! Little brats they can be.

She's the best.

I was just telling farm-mom this post felt so #fff'esque, when Pura read it, she smacked me with a frying pan.

It may be time to start a #fff community, we need some life here on Fridays when everyone does a disappearing act!
Oh dear, at least it wasn't a rolling pin.

Lucky Dog !

Somehow, I don't think a lot of dog owners study it like that. Buying already prepared dog food, canned or bag is so convenient, right?

It's nice (especially for Atlas) that you take the time to make it great.

As a kid, that's how I was taught to feed them. The bag was brown, the can has gelatin stuff in it.

Time. A lot of pet owners have like kids and stuff, or work. Convenience—the American way.

Thank you.

My dog loves going to the raspberry store, but I only let him pick one thing.

I took her there once, couldn't find a beret that matched. Females. Now we go to the headshop.

Did you know when a dog buries their head deep inside a delicious cow pie, all they really want is the maggots?

I did not, and there's numerous places where maggots are more accessible, too. I just found out the other day Moonpies, speaking of pi, originated in Tennessee, those and Mtn Dew. I was just like, no wonder they don't have teeth and can't fit in an airplane seat and now this.. berries.

Did you know a marble can go right through a dog? I wonder how many vitamins are in those.

For the amount of shit out there, there sure is a low ratio of marbles.

Makes sense. People lose them.

I cook for my dog too. I have to heat up leftovers or she won't eat them, just like Atlas. It's a pain to be honest, but a dog's gotta eat really good food to stay healthy, just like a human does. My dog's favorite meat by far is chicken, which is lucky on the expense side of things. Otherwise, she prefers lamb and rabbit, not so good on the expense side of things. I often cook meats so that I like them (ground something, sweet potato, spinach, garlic is a fave), which helps justify the expense some. I get meat from local farms, and kibble and treats from Open Farm. Your friend's dog might greatly benefit from eating raw meats, which I get, mostly for my cats, from Viva Raw. This food helped two of my cats, who were both regularly sick, and have not been sick since I started them on this food. My dog doesn't like the dog food from Viva Raw or I would happily feed it to her.

Nice little trick, making us scroll through blankness. Funny, as always.

Dogs shouldn't have garlic just for the taste. It can be used for 14 days in specific doses for an antibiotic but should never be given unless truly needed and you are aware of exactly what is wrong (vet check) and know your dog's medical history and the possible risks and benefits first. Onions should never be in the diet.


I asked that very question of my vet and was told a little garlic is a good thing, even gave me a garlic supplement. Supposedly repels ticks and fleas. I use very little just in case, so I understand and appreciate your comment.

I'd just use it through the worst of the season then. Long term isn't good for the immune system even at low levels - but oddly the dose for the antibiotic treatment is quite high, like half of the pieces in a large garlic each day for a large dog. I've seen it work wonders as an antibiotic when used that way and there used to be scientific articles on the subject online which sadly have disappeared years ago. One of which even discussed a study which found it could be used with traditional antibiotics. I'm not sure why all positive mention of garlic and dogs seem to have gone away :( . Like anything else there are benefits and drawbacks, but I've never had a problem with its use.


What do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar?
There, their, they're.

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I'll keep an eye on it, thanks. I also use geranium oil to keep bugs off of her, and do not use any of those toxic topical treatments. She regularly goes running through tall grasses and wooded areas, but does not have fleas, and tested negative for heartworm and Lyme. One thing you must know about me is that I am determined to help folks find methods of healing that do not involve toxic chemicals. Food is so important here, and vets hardly ever mention it, unless it's to sell you a special medicated diet to supposedly correct a condition the animal already has. I now believe it's possible to avoid illness if what you put in the body fully supports it, and does not harm it in any way. My animals even drink spring water that I draw from a spring myself. No tap water in this house! We'll see. I'm sick of my vet-managed animals dying young from cancer, one right after the other.

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Thank you!

What do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar?
There, their, they're.

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Great comment. That pressure on your cheek was me.

He has this article, I directed him to your handle. Thank you.

Lucky you, chicken. It's in e-v-e-r-y-thing. Unspeakable things it does to her. Sucks. Every time we're out cuz she goes e-v-e-r-y-where with me, they wanna give her treats and I have to say no, please don't....

I was gonna mention something about garlic, I see you and wrest chatted about it. You obviously have a good grip on things, I'll make sure to lean on you if I get stumped.


My sister had a dog that was allergic to chicken, so I am familiar with the struggle. I made sure my dog's treats had no chicken in them when I went to visit her. It came in handy that my sister is so good at getting into peoples faces.

I kinda have the opposite problem when others want to give my Hazel treats. I can confidenly say "sure go right ahead" but I am not so confident she will eat them. She's been so spoiled in the treat department ("high value treats" as her trainer called it), she often won't eat the offered milkbones or whatever. She simply does not like low quality foods!

She does, however, love just about any other dog's kibble, which I give her very little of. Her most recent vet visit had the vet astonished by how good her dental health is. Do I brush her teeth you ask? Nah... never have, not even once. Maybe that's the little dish of homemade yogurt (made from raw milk) I give every morning when I have mine, another supposed no-no, cow dairy.

How's your knee? You made a mention of how you can get down now, I suppose that means it's much better? Or was it your foot? Can't remember, just remember you were very badly injured. I hope you've recovered!

Knee. Ahead of schedule. Real happy with it. I'm electric sliding and tango'ing and stop me if you've heard this. Thank you.

Dang, that one's on the list? Dairy? Oops. This one looooves yogurt. Her little eyes close and her ears go back like she's dreaming.

Retriever, by chance? Interestingly enough, the sick dog I wrote about is also Hazel. A retriever.

Huh! I recently met another dog named Hazel, and a goat! I thought I was being so clever with that name.

Mini Australian Shepherd. Best dog I ever had, and I've had quite a few. One thing she does not do well, is retrieve. Inside, all good. Outside, she's off into the woods. Hopefully not with a toy in her mouth, because I will never see that toy again.

I'm really glad to hear your knee is doing so well. I was pretty worried, it was very extreme at first.

That's right. Every time you tell me she's a mini Australian I'm like, that's right.

This one either. First GSD I've ever had or even known that won't retrieve. Will not. True story—she once swam the frisbee out to the middle of the lake, spit it out and swam back. That really happened.

You so love your dog like I do. Dog people are cool. Have any other animals?

Two cats, one quirky calico named Patches (I inherited her) and one once-upon-a-time feral cat, who chose me to tame him, named Freddy. When my kids were young, we had just about every other common pet a person can have. I could not keep aquatics alive, inside or out. But mammals do well with me.

haha I can see the frisbee out there floating on the lake.

It's great that she gets such good meals :) Have you thought about venison and bison for variety?


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Glad you enjoyed this one. Appreciate the curation.

Venison.. I haven't even considered it, good call! She likes lamb a lot too, it's just so pricey. We don't get that as often. I'll try out venison, even look into the bison. I, personally, am not a big fan of it, that's probably why I didn't consider it. Both great ideas for her though.

I'll get both, and return with feedback.

Much thanks man.

Hopefully she'll enjoy it :) It's really lean, so if fat is an issue she should be fine.


What's the most modern plant?
A courant bush.

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I hate to admit it but yep your dog does eat better than I do brother hahahah 😎 respect. Tomorrow I'll be filling my table with shit I don't need just to feel good

They say that dogs (and cats) are generally healthier than humans because they can easily detect and avoid eating heavily processed chemical-laden foods. 🤓😏


I actually bank on that instinct. My wife is always real wary. I'm not, probably to a fault.

Until I'm proven wrong which would be terrible and I'd rather not go there, I'm confident that instinctually she'll eat what's appropriate and shun what's harmful.

So far, so good.

Dogs would basically eat anything natural that's served to them by their owners (or food they find simply lying around that still qualifies as natural), even if they can't properly digest them (which would likely be harmful to them). 🤔🤓

Thanks for the reply! 😀 Have some !PIZZA and !WINE! 😁

My pleasure. I don't think we've met before. Thanks for finding me.


Looks like we met just because I often reply to @theringmaster's comments, such as his comment under your post. 😅

Thanks for another reply (especially with the picture of your dog)! 😀 Have some !LOLZ! 😁

I really want to buy one of those grocery checkout dividers
But the lady behind the counter keeps putting it back.

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I'm glad I connected you to an awesome brother. Danday is very cool

That's pretty interesting facts... That's why they don't need as much medical care as we do 😂

However, since the ratio of veterinarians to medical doctors is low, a pet needing medical care would usually cost much more than a human would spend on healthcare. 🤔💸🤯😅


When is a door not a door?
When it's a jar

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You're not alone.

Whaddup man!

My exact words to Clarence when he asked me what I feed her were pretty much everything you won't eat.

Cool dude.... Clarence. Horrible eating practices however. Every time he rolls over he's got a McDonalds bag or Bojangles bag in his hand. Ooh!! That reminds me!

Ima put a post together where I fix myself as easily as I can fix everyone else.

absolutely brother definitely do that post it's going to be awesome 😋😋😋

Could you imagine? All I've ever really wanted was to be somewhere I don't want to leave but IF I could fix myself as easily as I can fix everything and everyone around me, I'd be a superhero.

you'd truly be a superhero brother... Let's go for it 🦸



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