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RE: I Spent A Lot Of Time Trying To Figure Out What To Put Here And Finally Gave Up

in #outofthinair2 years ago

I want dogs so bad. Been almost 10 years since I put down my last dog. Pura wants an art studio real bad, somewhere we can yank the floor up and she can splash paint around.

When we see a painting we like or a mirror or a vase or a bbq or even a damn dinner plate, we could actually consider brining it home cuz we have one.

I sound like a female dog huh? I know it! I can't help it. A lot of people would envy your position as they would mine, I get it. But I bet you would agree, expatting is exhausting. There comes a time you just want to park.

You don't have kids do you? Neither do we.


Yes, dogs. I’m a dog person too… hubby never had pets, I had always dogs around me since I was born until about 2008. I miss them too. But our “lifestyle”… it doesn’t work. The same for kids. It wouldn’t work to be this expatty 🤓 as we both are.

Yep… art studio… add a fruit, herb and veggie garden too the mix. I’m all ear. Self sufficient. On it… can’t wait to have a garden and my art studio. Hubby wants a room for his guitarsssss. I imagine camp fires… in the night… BBQ… visitors… and being HOME.

They do envy us, but there comes a time… it is exhausting to say the least.
I feel we all are at the same stage. We want something permanent. Can’t remember being somewhere a year, for a longgggg while now.