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RE: So I Recently Began This Thing Where I Take

in #outofthinair • last year

Lmao 😂
A great dandays post.

Looks like a nice spot to watch the sunrise. I'm not convinced at all to take cold showers though. I've done it when we've had issues with our hot water heater and really didn't care for it lol.

Tbh on not convinced of all the health benefits of cold showers that people state online either. I'm sure some are accurate and other not so much. Also, what are the negative effects caused by the stress of shocking ones body? 🤔
Weight loss? Sure lowering your body temperature forces it to burn more calories to stay warm, which can lead to weight loss, but in general, more burned calories just tends to make a person more hungry, which makes them eat more, which makes them maintain their natural weight or possibly gain does it really work? Do people who live in Northern countries where it's colder tend to carry less weight than people who live in the South where it's hot all the time? In my experience it is literally the opposite of that... 🤣😂
I'm always skeptical about any wishy washy health claims lol 😆


Hey thanks dude, I appreciate that.

Yes to all of the above. The mental part is the most challenging, not the water. Something about maintaining negotiations are over once I made my mind up is rewarding. Leaving the faucet in the cold position when it makes no sense whatsoever because a hot shower sounds WAY BETTER is pretty fascinating.

I'm not always this all over the place just usually.

Whaddup Leaky! What I didn't do is ask google why I shouldn't take cold showers. I'm sure there's just as many if not more studies proving cold showers are terrible or deadly or something else.

The mental part is the most challenging, not the water.

Yeah totes man. I agree

What I didn't do is ask google why I shouldn't take cold showers

I'm sure the pros outweigh the cons but would be funny if it was the opposite and no one ever checked lol

I still didn't do it. Probably the same author; skin, hair, et cetera with a slightly altered title.

Now then, about those mud baths....
