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RE: SUPER innovative CONTEST to win 20 STEEM

in #partiko5 years ago (edited)

Well @tibfox, let me throw my two cents on your lucky hat to earn me those tasty 20 Steem in exchange of my follow & resteem besides tag/mention 2 of the steemians I think you should follow and consume their funny & creative stuff too. };)

The first one would be @skramatters for his 20/20 hawk's eyesight to catch things from the perspective of a renegade standpoint and who spit out his opinions from the golden beak of a gentle outcast.

The second one would be @anonymint. For the same reasons as @skramatters but with the additional intention to submit you to the flogging of the longer rants through his very informative research readings.


Yeah! I can't help it. And I like to dig better in the treasure chest of unorthodox irreverent rebels & mavericks to find the true gems of life. };)



Unorthodox, maverick, rebel is the nicest way anyone has ever called me a troll, so awwwwww @por500bolos such a sweet sentiment from a cranky steem sorcerer..

I'm off to gently rub myself and others in such wrong ways it can only be right... That didn't come out how I intended. Lets just focus on the renegade-scrrrreeeeeeccchhhh birds of prey descriptions..

Posted using Partiko Android

Unorthodox, maverick, rebel is the nicest way anyone has ever called me a troll,

Haha my dear heretic troll. You deserves these and then, a few more of those nicer adjectives. };)

I'm off to gently rub myself and others in such wrong ways it can only be right...

You bet, that it can only be right!!


Haha that was a really well written comment :D

You made it very palatable for me to check their posts (is that right english? ^^) and I will follow this task after my comment here :) Thank you for your creative and eloquent contribution! Good luck with this contest and hopefully you will receive those tasty 20 steem :D


Thank you mate!! :)

Yeah @tibfox, palatable is the right english word for gourmet consumers. I hope my nominees have calmed your sybaritic appetite with an unsuspected and very succulent content.
