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RE: The Gathering of the Tribe (Not Like-minded, but Love-minded)

I'm glad that you have good friends who still respect and love each other.
It is so sad how many people have fallen for the media and government trap of causing division and fear amongst their citizens.


Oh I know it. Those here who have gotten the shot- even the ones who did it because they believe they should and not out of being coerced from a job- do not think anyone should be forced.

But I have witnessed a lot of the other from people we're not as close to and their are a few people, also who we weren't as close to, who used to come to these gatherings that are notably missing. Whether that's out of fear or indignation I'm not sure (though I do know they swing pretty far to the left, and there has definitely been a theme amongst that crowd)

The thing that probably bothers me the most, is when people think that these Vaccine Passports are just fine and that it is no big deal to exclude a minority population from segments of society. They can't comprehend how hurtful it is, and how we feel segregated and scared about what our government may do next to us. History shows that this is a dangerous, slippery slope that can end up in the Genocide of the people that are considered 'dirty and dangerous.'

Some of the vaxxed are waking up to it now though, because the promises have not been kept -- they complied so that life could go back to normal, and yet there is now a 3rd shot (4th in Israel) and vaxxed people still have to wear masks and get PCR tests, etc.

I wish that I was living in America (parts of it at least) where more people are seeing through these control tactics than are seeing it here in Canada. But I keep hanging on ... hoping and praying that the truth will come out and this will end soon.

it will end soon. i can feel it in my bones.. however.. soon is 5-10 years .. so it feels like a Long time to us mere humans... theres a LOT of changes needed from a-z to get us out of this ... and move forward into a whole new paradigm.. this whole mess feels like the seeds of change.. at least its not over violent or apocalyptic!

sending love Linda.. <3

I agree one hundred percent. I have always been a glass half full, fervent believer in unconditional love, but that has been put to the test these past nearly two years now.

I would have agreed with that person's post had they specified those who agree with the mandate, those who think we should be forced to comply as the problem. What really blows my mind is that for the most part, the same people who scream "my body my choice" when it comes to killing babies in the womb, are the ones who are most vehement about forcing people to get a shot. Not to mention many of the ones who claim "Love is love". They should be the first to disagree with discrimination of any kind.

Thanks a lot @candian-cocount for your kind visits on my blog.
Especially in such hard days, it is really heart warming to see that you care about longterm belivers like me :-)

@canadian-coconut Compliment of the season ma. How are you and the family doing? Just checking on you. Have a wonderful day ma.