πŸ’₯ On GIVING YOURSELF Approval, Permission + Authority πŸ’–

in #philosophy β€’ 7 years ago

While touring my inner house,
and being introduced to creative + energetic assets
I had agreed to develop,
I saw a seal sitting on a table.

It looked ancient.

(This is called a "seal matrix" by the way. lol)

So, an antiquated practice and mindset
-- ROOTED in enslaving authority + forced power structures --
still had some operating systems running.

πŸ’₯ handled πŸ’₯

To see 'em, is to smash 'em!

Who or what authenticates you, friend?

Dusty relics? Hunger for approval, or popularity?
That is a question for your core. Answerable only by you.

And I hope you don't even attempt to answer it here.
Not in a hurry, anyway.

Your fingers don't know.
So don't let them get to rush-lyin'.
Just, maybe consider...

Have you been WORKING hard
for the approval, or permission, of someone?

Have you been WAITING for a sign, symbol, green light,
annual salary, hook-up, break-up, weight gain, weight loss,
certification, aligning of stars, blahhhhh....

[insert any number of ceaseless configurations of excuses, to not begin, here.]

Or -- ideally -- DON'T. Because...

...it is likely, that what you've been looking for

is casually lying around, on a table somewhere,

in YOUR possession, all along.

Mine was!

And let there be no judgment 'bout it, k?

We do better, once we KNOW better.

So here's to knowing.

Know what's on your table-tops,

because what you find there is perfectly suited for you.


It is not easy to word these things.
So, please hear the next part, with your heart.
(And Steven, this is an extended metaphorrrrr... 😘)

The Postage Stamp Program: De-Coded

This program is designed to take the primary purpose
or innate function of a thing, and TURN IT ON ITSELF. Like this:

☠️ Any auto-immune disease. Pick one.

☠️ And not yet as well known... The Postage Stamp Program.
A stamp, (another authoritative mark, by the way,)
-- you would think -- would help with goingness.

But when your programming to Go and See is distorted,
instead of focusing on Going and Seeing...
in confusion, you focus on Smallness.
(Or Stickiness. Or some other PERVERSION
of a stamp's essential purpose.)

You may follow some of Smallness'
embedded commands, like:

Shhhh. You hush now. Less expressing.
Reign it in. Fold yourself. Tight, and tiny.


Focusing on distorted information. Seeking approval + authority from others. Dismissing our wholeness.

That's hell on earth.

Which, turns out, is FLIPPABLE.

Also Along My Recently Opened Peyote Path:

* Birthday Reflections: BEFORE Peyote

* Cactus Bookends: Journeying From San Pedro To Peyote

* Color + Light Can Activate Aspects Of Memory


Hey. Thank you, for being on the other side of this,
you beautiful, carbon-based lifeform, you!

It matters...

...how we witness each other.

And ourselves. πŸ’‹


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There is a fool on another post who is harassing my comments with his admonition that only direct democracy will be our saving freedom.

How can I explain to him that I will never be free, but always under the absolute autocracy of the Self inside of me (and you)?

To the caged, freedom looks like madness, huh? I doubt you, or anyone, could explain self-rulership to someone who WANTS to be governed. Noble of you to want to try, @onceuponatime. Oooh, how about AN ILLUSTRATIVE STORY? (A question clearly inspired by your username).

P.S. You don't find freedom "under the absolute autocracy of the Self inside you?"

@P.S. The absolute freedom of having no choice? Perhaps.

Why choicelessness?

We can choose choice :-)

Nice, yes its interesting I was visiting a village market in Chiang Mai recently, and they had thousands of amulets of bronze winged angels and tiny amulets. Thousands of them all old and worn and grime encrusted. I finally got talked into buying 3. And when I got home, I couldn't energetically get them out of their small plastic bag. As I realised that icons take your energy and that's why all the religions have icons and things to pray to. Its to take your energy away from you the individual. That is the power of symbols and things we pray to and why controllers indelibly stamp symbols in our minds, the cross, the swastika, the angel, the devil.. the little amulets I bought have sat out on my my front porch in there bag, waiting for me to return them to exactly where i found them..

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

GASP! May I have my breath back, @quantummonks? lol

Seriously, thank you for completing my obviously unfinished post. Til now. πŸ’œ

Its to take your energy away from you the individual.

Always, and only, THAT.

P.S. Also, I honor you for SENSING all that accompanies those icons, and SPEAKING about it with candor. These things need to be normalized and vocalized more. It takes (at least) two, so thanks for being here. Being heard.

Being Heard and also being Seen ... interesting to consider the 5 senses when we connect with another... hmm.. there's another concept to consider.

A little confusing but IIIIIII think I get it, nice advise I guess, very funny tho. keep that style erik.

LOL, I do feel ya, @andyartland! Thanks for taking a crack at it :-)

Upvote :) This will ring true to those who need it.

@lily-da-vine: That means a lot. Gracias, amiga.

I’m learning to fly. Sometimes I clip my own wings. πŸ¦