Is It Really Worth It? Philosophical Thoughts on Difficult and Complex Tasks

in #philosophy8 months ago


The fact of the matter is that we are only given one life. Or we are only conscious of the life we are living at this moment. The weight of that fact, when you really think about it, and when it sets in, is pretty heavy. We are only given a finite amount of time on this planet, and we spend so much time worrying about things that will never happen, scrolling on posts and social media that we will forget in a few moments, and so many other things (looking for things we misplaced, driving in traffic, and so on). If we count these seconds, minutes, hours, that add up to weeks and even years of our lives, it makes one wonder why no one is freaking out about the little time we actually have.

I am constantly confronted with this question.

Is it really worth it?

So many times I just gloss over it. Yes, it might not be worth it, but tomorrow is yet another day. Tomorrow will always yield another day, but if you will be part of it is another question. But this very logic got me to the position I am in now. I am getting closer and closer to a third of my life, and I still do not have much to show except the various degrees that I have managed to get throughout the years and the little teaching experience I have.

Here I am again asking myself this question after struggling with a relatively complex paper I need to write before the halfway mark of January. I am busting my head on a relatively difficult section of the paper which I have not written yet, and my only research has been from 3 or 4 years ago. Now, I am questioning myself, as always, if this is really worth it. The academy is not for everyone. The space is filled with people who know, and people who think they know. But the commonality between these two people is that they have the confidence to present their ideas without a hint of humility. The person who knows, knows that they know. The person who does not know, still thinks that they know. Those who show hints of humility, especially epistemic humility, gets chewed up and spit out. It is funny that I managed to stay unchewed this long. But with the current paper I am writing, I think this will change.

The problem with academia, like science and so many other fields, is that every field has its specialists. In fact, modern academia is filled with specialists. You do not really find someone with extensive trans- and cross-disciplinary skills and knowledge. It is impossible for someone to be an expert in more than one field, especially in the humanities, because of the fact that every field has become so specialised that you need extensive research to simply understand the smallest thing. Linked with this is the history of that idea. You cannot simply try to understand the concept XYZ, you need to know the history of how that concept was used and is currently being used. In short, you need to participate in an incredibly complex conversation to just begin to understand concept XYZ.

And this is where the confidence is key thing comes in and where fake it till you make it can really screw you up. Academia is a game. Like so many other things in life, it is merely a game. If you know the rules of the game, you can win the game. You can also break the rules, but that is a topic for another day. But if you successfully played the game, and you think about it, what did you really achieve? This is where I am at. I read so many academic papers, probably 2-3 a day. I write papers, I am finishing up my PhD, and all of these "activities" which form part of the game, but when I stand back for a second and reflect on all of it, I get to two things:

  1. Is it really worth it? and
  2. What am I even doing? Do I even understand anything at this point?

Knowledge is a funny thing. The more you read and study, the less you know because you realise what you do not know is growing at a faster rate than the things you do know. And this is scary when you attempt cross-disciplinary subjects. Because you will always remain a learner in both fields that you attempt to study, and you will know that there are people out there who specialise just in that one particular field. And if they begin to question you, in front of many other scholars, I am not sure how my body will react.

I have devoted about 7 years of my life to my particular field of study. There is still so much I want to learn, read, know about, get to experience. Now I am attempting to bridge a gap between my field and another. I am one of the first to attempt it. The field I am about to bridge in is notorious for its territorial disputes. I do not have the confidence in this new field to fool them with bullshit, to put it mildly. I have less than 2 months to produce a paper that I need to present, and all I can think about is "Is it really worth it?". Self-doubt is like a weed that grows so quickly, drops its seeds, and grows ten times the amount of plants than initially present. If you do not pull these new plants out, they will also grow seeds that will spread like wildfire. Then you will be in a situation where you question the whole edifice of your career and knowledge base.

It is funny how we are given one life, one opportunity (as so many artists have sung in their songs) and we waste it on so many inconsequential things.

I am reminded of a story of a Greek who sat on the edge of the peer looking over the ocean. A rich American businessman docks his boat and sees the many olive trees growing at random across the Greek's property. The American sees the potential and asks the Greek why he is not producing olive oil and such. The Greek asks why should he do that? And the American says, because then you can sell it and get rich, that is why! And the Greek asks, why do I want to become rich? The American says boastfully, to buy a ship and to live a life without worry and so on. The Greek says sarcastically, I am already living a life free of worry.

We waste our lives trying to impress others, to write papers, to get rich, all the while we could have been happy and "rich" in our own ways without attempting to climb this ladder with broken steps.

Life is funny, and I constantly ask myself regarding these complex and difficult tasks, is it really worth it?

And in the end, they are. Rarely have I walked these difficult paths and succeeded in getting to the other side questioning what I have done. It is only in the process of getting to the other side that is difficult to remain focussed. But as soon as you see the light in the tunnel and you climb the ladder to the higher position, you realise that it was worth it all.

(All of the writings in this post are my own, albeit inspired by the relative discomfort I am feeling at the thought of writing this paper/presentation. The photograph used in this post is also my own, taken with my Nikon D300.)


You remind me so much of the studying episode in my life. Oh yes, I got the degree and it's a nice document to look at, but it's gathering dust, and I can hardly remember anything of its worth, as the only thing that I rue, was the wasted hours that I studied for it.
I love the Greek story, as riches bring many worries with it, and a simple basic life sounds so much more attractive. !LOLZ

I hate Russian dolls
they’re so full of themselves.

Credit: marshmellowman
@fermentedphil, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of papilloncharity



Glad that the Greek story resonates! I love that simplicity of it.

That’s exactly how I feel! My older ones are already dusty and my girlfriend cannot believe that I passed uni because I cannot even answer the easiest questions she has regarding her own studies !

Basic simplicity and tons of logic are the best way to through life.

Yep! Done, packed away and forgotten. Just another cog in the wheel that we are building in our attempts to cruise a little bit better through life. Well, you will have to impress her with your cooking skills professor. !LOLZ

Oh I cook every single day for her! And she loves it, or so she says.

But that is the problem right, if you stop using things you will forget them. Even with my Master's thesis, which I completed 3 years ago or so, some of the stuff in there is foreign to me. I cannot believe that I wrote it!

Well, I think that she will be marrying her own personal chef !LOLZ

I know exactly what you mean, and it is always a good thing to measure your progress, when you take stock of the things you wrote in previous years. Many times, I also don't believe that I wrote things long ago. But I regard it all as history and closed chapters of my life.
Such is life.

In my past life I was a turtle.
It is slowly coming back to me.

Credit: reddit
@fermentedphil, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of papilloncharity


For sure. I tend to write “education” posts here on Hive to refresh my own memory about things. It really helps to revisit old memories. I might just try and turn my master’s thesis into a couple of rendered down arguments and post here as well! Then the old thing might be worth something more than the dust it is currently gathering.

Well, as long as you can do something beneficial with it, then it will be great, and as you say, it will also refresh your memories. I am one of those, that as soon as I have conquered something, then I just allow it to slip away. So, if it suits you, then dust them off, delve into them and do your thing. Hopefully it will be of benefit for some in the education field. I say hopefully, as many don't like to read anymore these days. !LOL

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Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2023

As a young person, I entered the world of work ignorant and inexperienced. Equipped only with the theoretical knowledge of the curriculum.

I've realised that self-confidence comes with years of practical work in the profession you've trained for. And by being given more responsibility over time through the work you do, for example because your superiors and colleagues think you're suited to it. An environment in which experienced professionals want to support you is a good prerequisite for your further development. One can help this even better if you seek for exactly those characters who love to share their knowledge and expertise (at least, this is what I have been given throughout my work-life).

Back then, I had a team leader who was rather sceptical about a proposal I made for the implementation of a project and said that he wouldn't recommend it to me like that, but that I should see for myself how successful it would be. In other words, he gave me room for mistakes. I think it's important to gain practical professional experience in order to later feel confident in what you do.

Whenever you enter a new field, knowing that what you've learned about this field will have gaps is not the worst.

you realise what you do not know is growing at a faster rate than the things you do know.

I find this to be true.
It's good to keep this in mind in order to remain realistic. At some point, however, you take the risk of going out into the world of work and testing whether what is written in the paper (your own or that of others) works for you, whether it applies or whether it proves to be falsifiable (in part or in full).

When I finished my third education around 13 years ago, I've written a final paper about a very specific topic. I was very convinced at that time about the accuracy of the concept and about the meaning it held for me within the given framework. After practicing ten years in the field though, I realized that much of what my paper contained was based on wishful thinking, although underpinned by academic works of others who also endeavoured to make this concept socially acceptable.

In short, it was how I wanted the world to be but I then saw that it collided with the realities of life. HaHa!
To laugh about my own ignorance, I find, is a good way for me to stay serene. It's good to admit mistakes and then go on. In that sense, my paper collected dust as well because I wouldn't want to show it since it became flawed for me.

Was it worth it? Yes.

he gave me room for mistakes

This is so important and I think more people should (i) allow for mistakes to happen and (ii) learn from mistakes by understanding that mistakes are integral to the learning process. This is where wisdom comes from, from always learning and standing up after a mistake has happened.

self-confidence comes with years of practical work in the profession you've trained for.

So true, and I think this is also a piece of wisdom, thank you so much! Time is the only thing that will make us learn the true value of what we learned in theory. I can already see my self-confidence grow the more I write and present. But still in the back of my mind, I will always feel like an imposter in the field.

much of what my paper contained was based on wishful thinking

I have experienced this as well! The one paper I am working on has been at the journal for over a year now, and when I needed to edit it after reviews, I almost did not believe my own argument any longer. It is strange yet beautiful how we grow as time goes on.

Was it worth it? Yes.

Always, right? We should always learn, learn to get up, and learn to love learning.

Thank you so much for this engaging comment.