Sunset photos of our drive back home

in #photography7 years ago

Yesterday me and @strawhat were at this yearly event in a small town about 100 kilometers away. We met a lot of friends and people we hadn't seen in a long time and somehow completely forgot to take any photos there. Guess we are still so new to photography that it didn't really cross our mind or we were just too busy enjoying our time there.

On our way driving back we were amazed by the sunset and we suddenly remembered our cameras on our phone and decided to stop here and there and snap some pics. This is a collaborative post between me and @strawhat and the rewards will be shared among us.

Hope you like them!

@strawhat's pics in order of taking them.






My pics in the order of taking them.





These photos were taken with a Samsung S7 and a Huawei P10 Camera. Unedited and unfiltered.

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It is amazing what smartphone cameras can do today. You've got quality pictures.

What do you think about this? Took it a year ago with my Motorola Moto X1

what :D that looks edited somehow!


No its not edited. Thank you :)

for the love of sunset
so you you were driving and taking pics? what??????? :D

Haha nope I stopped at bus stops and took pics. :p

it does look edited but even cooler!

Thanks a lot. It's not edited really. :)

That's amazing

Thank you. :)

Awesome pic.

Thanks :)

Ah, sweet pic here! Thanks for sharing this one :)

Thank you :)

Amazing sunset! those photos make me imagine being there :D aparently it was a very fun road trip back home!
This was a nice sunset from this part of the world, a few days ago...



I have to admit that the sunset photo is very good and normally people take sunset as good thing. But I tend to get sad as 1 more day is down.

The photos are amazing! I love making photos of the sky.. it is always so different and beautiful! I may use one of your photos for a desktop background!

Thanks a lot for sharing :) ♥

I chose the photo with the road, it fits perfectly my desktop :)))

acidyo sehr gelungene Aufnahmen :).

Do you know the saying:

"The quickest way to make money at photography is to sell your camera."

Steem might change this one ;)... considering the time it takes to meet up with the seller vs. just uploading your photos here :D.

Have a great Sunday

I love sunsets.! keep it up.

The sunset and the clouds look beautiful!

This comment has received a 2.40 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @vegeta.

Wow! Awesome clicks. :)

Really amazed by these by these beautiful pics of sunset. How do you do it man!

Really impressed by the photography skill you guys have.

One of these going to be the wallpaper of my desktop and another on my smarphone. :p :D

My photos turned out better than I thought they would :) nice post. Yesterday was fun :3

LOL, They are equally as nice. It is amazing how good cell phone cameras have become now-a-days to capture moments like this. I put a reply below on my favorites :-)

Yeah that's true :D they've become pretty insane :) thank you!

Well.. you know it's not about photos but the story behind them.
But they somehow turned out really good anyway lol. <3

That's true :D thanks for the love

You really do live in an absolutely beautiful place @acidyo i'm jealous every time you post these pictures. Breathtaking really.

Taking pictures of sunsets is one of my favorite things to do. You're just there at the right place at the right time and hopefully have something to capture the moment with. My biggest frustration with it all, it's so hard to capture the beauty of nature without the clutter of man-made crap getting in the way. powerlines, Cell towers, lightpoles, etc.

My favorites are #2 from @strawhat, and #3 from yours @acidyo.

A good way to boost the colors in a phone camera, I have Samsung S5, is to put the white balance on "cloudy" for sunsets. It will let the camera capture the colors richer, closer to what you see in real life, and still no post photo filtering.

Glad you took the time to stop, enjoy, and capture the moment.

Ok sorry but these photos have absolutely nothing special about them. Another sunset post on steemit, except this time it's someone with a decent of amount of SP posting it. This is one of those articles where people comment on a whales post to get some upvotes. If they were posted by some random minnow none of those people would give a damn about commenting.
Steemit will never be a good place if average pictures of sunsets get this kind of attention, and it will be a horrible place if people keep being so hypocritical in their comments. I might be wrong, but hey it's my opinion.

@anomiej I think you are being rude. I know it's your opinion and no offence to you. But there are people who really enjoy these photos. Doesn't matter if you are a whale or a minnow. People have different tastes. You might not have a taste for these photos but others might have. So I don't agree with your comment and it's my opinion. :)

I must respectfully disagree. As I said, if those shots were made by minnnows those people wouldn't care and wouldn't bother. If those people actually care about sunset shots, I challenge them to make a meaningful comment on those great sunset shots I found by sorting by new:

If you call being honest and caring about steemit rude, very well, that is indeed your opinion; on that point I respectfully disagree as well.

You've got a point there. I agree with that. But it is not correct for everyone. People are not noticing these posts because they have less power. If these posts are visible long enough they will get comments too. The problem is posts by minnows like us are not getting enough views because they are not displayed long enough since new posts are published at a higher rate.

You know we have a few open positions for curators on @ocd. If you wanna spend more time finding newcomers that have gotten missed in the masses and should be rewarded more you are welcome to join. :)

Other than that, judging rewards of certain users by their content and comparing it to others is pretty subjective.

Thanks for your opinion. :)

Nice capture.

The redness of the sunset is astonishing. It looks like an professional photography.

Hats off to the talents of you guys.

Wow these are really nice photos!! I also made a new post today. It's about Fuerteventura (one of the Canary Islands) and I posted a lot of photos. So if you like to see how the sunset lookslike in Fuerte you can check out my post by clicking here.

The sky looks so amazing dude! Im holed up inside all the time working and missing a good sunset around my place!

Wish I had a better photo but sunsets are beautiful. :D

Looks like Shakira :D

Thanks lol

Great place and nice pics, the colors of nature are amazing in the evening!

Good Article

What a beautiful sunset! Thank you for sharing such beautiful sunset and I love this very much. I wish to take photos for such beautiful sunset but I cannot since I have no time and I do not have a good camera to take such excellent photo. I hope that you could continue to take such brilliant photo to steemians. Thank you very much

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Eric from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Not sure if you're gonna make a post or not tonight, so I figured I'd leave a comment here. Congrats on hitting 4k followers, dude! That's fucking sick!

damn this is gorgeous! Like @bayrene commeneted, i also feel like a camera would be good investment! btw I am new to Steemit, Would appreciate all interest in my profile, Do leave an upvote if you like something and follow, do check my recent post!

These photos are so milky. The warmness of the photos just seems to warm my own soul! ☺️☺️ ☺️

Thank you my friend @acidyo, great photos of sunsets, I want to share with you my photos of sunsets, recently was with my family in the countryside


Look at the beautiful halo of the setting sun

Your post is good. I love it. I have followed and upvote you. I want some friends here. I hope you want to visit my post and want to do the same thing.

In every meeting, certainly created a very beautiful memories. Let alone the memories are created with your best friend.
This may be one of the most remarkable evidence of memories, created with very satisfying results. Continue to work friends, this picture is very beautiful, not enough to be expressed with words.

This looks quite familiar, reminds me alot of how it looks around where I live. Where are these photos taken?

Stunning photos! I know what you mean about missing the photo opportunity. I feel like I spend much of my time thinking about what photos to take and then everyone once in a while I just completely forget about my camera and simply enjoy what I'm doing. But it's usually because I'm having a great time, so it's worth it :) Really nice work.

The sunset always gets me.

Get together after long time is memorable and adorable.Nice.
seeing this I am felling to meet my school friend.

i am also filling like this.

There should be a lot of detail in the shadows If you shot in RAW format. I could edit them :P

There is each movement, the sky Modify, colors change, perfect contrast between the Woods, the sky, the sun, a perfect effect that enhances the beauty of the evening. Extraordinary images.

Bro, you both took some absolutely gorgeous sunset photo's! Thanks for sharing these with us. Hope you guys had fun at your meetup/get together as well, it's hard to remember to take pictures when you're meeting a bunch of new people and catching up with old friends, haha.

nice pics my friend if you like photography check mine also i am a new one here and mainly landscape photographer, feel free to write a critic

Even without no edit they are magical. Do you know how to do color correction? If you want to know how to do it, I can help you. I have also added a photoshop tut in my posts. Do not forget to check my last product photography pics.

These pictures are so good... You two captured this beautiful scenery in your mobile.. I mean perfect weather, view and location everything is so perfect.. and please don't mind sir but his ( @strawhat )pictures are little better than yours... I know it's not a competition but I'm just saying.

I love sunset pictures...
They all have something in common: They are "magical" everywhere in the world.
Comment signature.gif

When the sun goes down, it is an important moment that really pity if missed, I am amazed at this beautiful moment, and you and your friends @strawhar, must be very compact when this beautiful shooting, amazing, it's taking like a professional phographer, thank you @acidyo for share this exciting moment, I will follow you and wait for your next great post, always successful for your brother.


Oh my god
Look at the contrast between the colors on the sky !

You just stand speachless in front of this beauty .

Am a big fan on the sky . I see on it the amazing creator !

Thanks @acidyo

Keep us updated if you get more pics later 👍🏻

Well done post You deserve for getting Upvote from me. I appreciate on it and like it so much . Waiting for your latest post. Keep your good work and steeming on. Let's walk to my blog. I have a latest post. Your upvote is high motivation for me. Almost all Steemians do their best on this site. Keep steeming and earning.

This comment has received a 0.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

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