✨✨“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them......

in #photography4 years ago

........is what makes life meaningful.”✨✨ . . ✨– Joshua J. Marine✨


✨✨Happy whatever today is. Honestly, who cares at this point? Let's just keep being positive guys.✨✨
✨✨So I watched a movie recently (lol, who hasn't?) and when it ended I felt like there could have been so much more to the plot. It wasn't necessarily a bad movie, but the standard story line we've all come to expect from most movies wasn't there. You know the one -> character build of the protagonist, struggle and loss, climax where all hope seems lost, protagonist overcomes challenge, happily ever after. Not that there aren't other plots, but if we're being real, that's the basic outline of all the greatest stories. We just love to watch the underdog come out on top, classic rags to riches.✨✨
✨✨This might sound strange, but it just had me thinking about how much I've started to appreciate the hard times in life. If you were to step outside your life and see it play out like a movie, I can't imagine it would be very interesting without the challenges. Right now current world events have us going through unique struggles, but we're all affected. It's hard, but without our struggles we'd never be able to appreciate the good times and the small things. Personally, I can't wait for my gym to be open again and to be able to plan a trip to anywhere. To be able to make plans with friends and go out to all the places that are currently closed.✨✨
✨✨What about you, what are you dying to do when this all passes? ✨✨


Beautiful view, dear :)

Yup, it is times like these that makes us realise the value of smallest things in life that we have been taking for granted. Sometimes I think all this was meant to happen to teach us that lesson to not take what we are given by this world for granted, be it friends, family, food, shelter, everything.
To be honest, I had been living my life to the fullest until now, so right now I just feel like staying home for another 3 months atleast. Once this is over, I might enjoy a bike ride along the coast lines. :)

You pretty much nailed it in your post. Come join us with your recipes on our community CWU Recipe Book - so nice to be in touch again