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RE: Out there

in #photography4 years ago

Its a hard time in the world right now. So much negativity that its hard not to get sucked into it. I feel like we are slowly moving into that time of year that can be difficult as well - colder weather and shorter days of more darkness. I can feel the seasonal depression slowly creeping in. Its strange in a way that we can know all the reasons why we might feel a certain way. We may even know the things we should avoid what we "should" be doing to make us feel better - in theory. Yet knowing the reasons doesn't change the feeling and doing the things that "should" work doesn't always help any either. Its nice that you are able to see some beauty in the world despite not feeling great.


Thank you for stopping by @leaky20!

It is truly hard to avoid as it comes in from every direction. Even if you are lucky enough not to find it by yourself someone else does for you and then you start looking as well xD

I can feel the air already changing here and the nights are getting colder. I find myself reaching for warmer socks and sweaters past few days. My hope is that perhaps the autumn will be the pretty kind, not the rainy kind where everything turns grey and ugly in a few days, but will see. It certainly affects us no doubt.

You are so right. Practice and theory doesn't always match.

Hope you are doing well! Hugs

I'm hoping for a pretty fall as well. We get enough rain and grey sky in the winter lol