A Million Little Diamonds


The ice shimmers and shines in the bright warming sunlight. A million little diamonds are ignited by the rays. A scene so powerfully beautiful the camera doesnt have a chance of capturing and resolving it in a manner that does justice to the display.


Thinking to myself, perhaps in mono the sparkles can be better rendered...


Meh, not much better...


Get In the Mood for Spring

The latest by the OldGuy

A Taste of Springtime.jpg
A Taste Of Springtime - Single by OldGuy | Spotify

See the little stinker silhouetted on the limb, having a dinner out of the fresh buds...


What I can say is: It is nice to see the sun again... Its only been a few months since it went away.


Its the Weekend!!!!!!!

The Old Guy Amazon Store ❤️


The Old Guy Amazon Store in the UK


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Hear OldGuy music at:




Old Guy Photos are available at Fine Art America

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Yes!! It is the weekend again. I hope you have something exciting planned. I will be working, so, I will admit that I am probably not as excited as you. You always have better plans for the weekend!

The ice is beautiful, all that shimmering going on. Soon, it will be gone and then, you will have forgotten that you had winter to contend with for 6 months. It all evens out. Your summers are kick butt fun and your winters are beautiful.

Not a bad life at all. Did you leave me something to listen to? Boo, it refuses to accept my password for Spotify. Pffft. I will give it a listen to later when it feels like giving in.

Oh I can assure you I too will be working all weekend. I have a no fee crypto trading account so I can work as many hours as I can stay awake. Not to mention more art, music and videos that need to be created and produced.

Well out winters are actually closer to 8 months and are not at all very pretty or pleasant. That is why I am working to get to my piece of Camelot. You cant hog all the good stuff ya know!

Oh no worries, it will be available on Amazon soon. I will be sure to let you know coz I am certain it will be one of your go to's :D

Thanks for the support @redes

Good to see you around Mr. @fulltimegeek Much obliged for the support.

I saw some folks ice fishing on a lake here in north Idaho last weekend. But the weather is warming up, so they might be done for the season.