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RE: What sports did you play at school?

Cheers! Original content and less of the dlike is my plan :)

Sounded pretty limited and weather dependent to start with but you got lucky with a brick wall and a cul de sac - ideal!

@blanchy mentioned the dreaded Pommel Horse as well - you guys are scarred from that one!

The link I shared above does say that the amount of sport teens do drops heavily in the UK at 16 y/o because it's no longer a required part of the curriculum. I was doing OK until Uni started and that first term without sport really left its mark that winter.


The pummel horse victims are ending up on sportstalk. No coincidence that! 😂😂😂. I feel a national enquiry coming. 90% of pummel horse victims are introverts and rely on virtual worlds to build relationships

hahahaha....I couldn't get up the damn climbing rope either and regularly got pelted with bean bags.

hahahaha....I couldn't get up the damn climbing rope either and regularly got pelted with bean bags.

I never did any sports again in education. A levels were at a tertiary college and I went on to do an HNC at at Poly. However, I worked at BT and we had a Sports and social club to die for back then so we had departmental football, cricket, name it, there was a team playing it with the added bonus of beer of course!

weather dependent

You are joking right? If it was light, we were out on the rugby field come rain, shine, sleet or snow.

BT sounds like the place I need to get a job at.

You have to be a bit mental to play rugby in the snow - no thanks!