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in #plantbaseddiet6 years ago

We moved to Spain a few months back and they love eating meat here! I agree we do eat to much meat.. I am trying to start to eat more vegetables - and have also given up sugar. I just find it hard to get enough calories in (im a small guy and trying to build muscle) but starting to learn that I can get my extra calories from healthy fats ...


Spain!!! Now that's the home of many good meats!! I crave meat at certain times so I don't want to take it out of my diet. Protein is the building block of muscle, and I'm not saying you cannot get enough quality proteins with a plant based diet, it's just a little harder. Nutrient timing is big when trying to put on mass...making sure your protein consumption is high post-workout. I've been trying a variety of plant based protein powders post workout like Pea as well. And yea, all about the healthy fats!

Yes there is so much meat here! I dont want to take it out either I just think sometimes that I eat too much. Yeah I generally have Protein powder post workout (whey protein isolate)