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RE: Freedom Train (Original Poetry)

in #poetry4 years ago

Eric the more I read your writings and poems the more I see that you are one of the few people who actually "get things" and I commend you for sharing those.
"Civil servants and elected officials should be working for the us not vice versa. We should not live in fear of them.", those words of yours needs to be ingrained in each of our minds and memory.

George Floyd died needlessly because of police who are ill trained, over zealous, and have a belief system that "they are the law". The mentality and ignorance those police officers involved in the George Floyd death is proof that serious reform needs to take place in how police officers are recruited, trained and supervised.

The "protests" that have erupted there locally and around the country are needed but have not served to "bring light to the problem" (my words) but have only increased the chances for more police violence against the communities where the protesting is taking place. The people of Minneapolis need to be protesting at the city hall board meetings of the city council. Those folks (city council) are responsible for the situation and who are the ones who decide how and who polices the city.

Just last night in Houston, TX there were protests too and last I heard on the late night news was that over 60 people here had been arrested. The news upped that number of arrests to 100 this morning, and the news also said that those folks arrested won't be able to have a trial by jury because jury trials have been suspended due to COVID 19. That is very disturbing news to hear since trial by jury is a fundamental protected right.

I need to get going this morning so I will leave it at that, great poem and great insight my friend.


Thank you my friend for those words. You are among those few people who "get things" as well, probably on a deeper level than me. The picture is becoming clear here in the Twin Cities after three nights of violence that people inciting this are, mostly, from out-of-state. Antifa, this right-wing extremist group called "The Bugaloo Bois" and others like them are using this civil unrest as a opportunity to incite greater violence. Enjoy your weekend @sultnpapper. Stay safe out there.