ATS-Witness 20 SBD Freeroll - Saturday, January 27th

in #poker6 years ago (edited)


The inaugural @ats-witness weekly poker tournament was a success! Now it's time to raise the stakes!

The first tournament sponsored by @ats-witness saw 39 players at the tables last Saturday for the No-Limit Hold 'Em, 20 SBD freeroll. After two hours of their best poker that afternoon, the tournament came down to two final players, @lpessin and @pcste, with the latter taking home the win and the top prize of 7.20 Steem Dollars (SBD) from the total pot of 20 SBD.

In addition to the 20 SBD tournament pot for those who made the final table, another 2.50 SBD bounty was added for the player who knocked out @bethalea, which was @diogosantos.

These were the final results for the first @ats-witness tournament:

PlayerPlaceEarnings (SBD)

Join and the Steem Poker League (@spl) this weekend for plenty of poker tournaments, including the ATS-Witness 20 SBD Freeroll!

Tournament Information

NameSPL @ats-witness 20 SBD Freeroll*
GameNo-Limit hold 'Em
TimeSaturdays, 1:00pm ET (18:00 UTC)
Tournament Pot20 SBD Minimum
Registration90-Minutes, 15-Min. Late Reg.

*Name subject to change.
SBDs earned from this post will be allocated for tournament prizes.

In addition to the guaranteed 20 SBD for this week's tournament, there will also be a bounty on @reko. Whoever knocks him off of the tables will receive an additional 2.00 SBD prize!

[EDIT] - There was also a second bounty on @drakos that rewarded 1.00 SBD (this decision was made during tournament play).

Sign up at to play!

If you're not already part of the @spl community, make sure you sign up with Lucksacks and join the chat on Discord. There are plenty of daily freerolls and weekly tournaments with pots ranging from 0.10 to 50 Steem Dollars. You can also create or join a poker team for a chance to win even more from individual and team points!

Players at all levels are welcome and there is no entry fee for freerolls (hence the name). You'll need to have a Steem account and a reputation of at least 35, plus a verified introduction post in order to receive payouts from Lucksacks.

Come join the growing community and interact with a fun group of people both on and off the tables! Make sure that you're also following @tuck-fheman to stay up-to-date with all SPL-related games and information.

I hope to see you at the Lucksacks tables!

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Block-change you can believe in!


Hello!! Hey , ats-david ! Thanks for the tournament!
Well played everyone!! lot of fun... and congrats @pcste! Haha..good game on the heads up! See you guys in the next one

This is no comment on your post, but a comment to tell you I have voted for you as a witness. I follow you for a long time now and liked your stories about your 'adventures' in for instance the Tennessee aquarium or your short movies. As I am no NFL fan or a poker fan I didn't read your posts about those subject, but that does not mean I don't follow you anymore because I hope you will sometimes also write about other subjects. I recently read your post ats-witness update from January and I think you are doing a great job. So one of my witness votes is for you.
It is too late to vote for that specific post so I am voting on this now.
I wish you good luck as a witness (and of course also personally)!

Thank you very much!

I'll still post my photo adventures and should get back to that soon. I've just had a busy month and haven't had a lot of time for photography and editing and whatnot. I've been away from the computer a lot lately but I'll have more free time to get on here and interact in the near future.

I haven't forgotten about anyone and certainly haven't given up on my photo adventures! There's much more coming!

Take my money. all of it?

All 15 cents are yours buddy.

(You’re welcome).

Nice, I love knocking @reko out!


The Dawg is going to take a dump in your seat at the table.

oh yeah... am in ... sorry @reko but I will have to chase you down tomorrow :)

Ohhh yeaaa, didn't work for me last week but pretty sure it will tomorrow. Comin for ya @reko! As if I don't already, hahaha

@ats-david I would really appreciate it if you would stop flagging the earthnation bot.

Flag wars don't serve anyone..... Can we just move on and stop losing money fighting each other?

I would appreciate it if you would stop lying and trying to scam people with a bullshit “bot.” And if you want to downvote my unrelated posts, expect you and Earth Nation to be killed off.

You can change the outcome, if you want.

I don't want to fight with you @ats-david.

How can we resolve this? Can we talk about the core root of why you think the @earthnation-bot is a scam?

Have you seen @bumper, @steemlike, @lays?

Look, right at it says
"[Upvote Service] Send 0.1 to 0.5 SBD to @Bumper and receive an upvote from @Bumper or @Flagship with 300% in return."

Do you think bumper is a scam too?

Whats the difference between bumper and the earthnation-bot? What makes the earthnation-bot a scam?

@steemlike says something similar. Look.

" 0.1 ~ 15 SBD, ±250%"

And @lays

"status = orders booking full dont send.... Send 1 SBD to 10 SBD get Upto 270% return but not fixed"

The Earthnation bot is really upvoting with 5 times in posting value compared to the SBD sent to it. 0.04 SBD becomes a 0.20 post upvote. You can check all the votes from their daily reports. Its very transparent. Sometimes they mess up but they have been honest about giving refunds and even apologizing and giving an extra vote along with the refund.

Just like @lays, @steemlike, and @bumper. Except a better upvote for minnows only.

Its not a scam. The @earthnation is really trying to help people get started by offering a limited use upvote service for minnows only.

How can i help you see that they are just trying to help?

I'd be happy to unflag this post David. Can we please stop fighting?

David, i would even turn my flag into an upvote if we can come to an understanding here!

I don’t care what other bots are claiming. If they’re doing math like Earth Nation is, then they’re wrong. The reason Earth Nation got my attention is due to them spamming wallet memos and comments, the former making its way to my own wallet.

I was content with downvoting a post or two for the spamming. However, when I pointed out that they couldn’t possibly return a “5x upvote,” you all started acting like rude, entitled assholes and downvoting people, including unrelated posts (like this one).

So don’t come to me now and tell me that I’m the one who needs to change my behavior to avoid a downvote. I have explained several times precisely why I have downvoted. Instead of acknowledging my points, you guys have done nothing but lie and continue spamming. Any time you want to stop doing that, I’ll be more than happy to consider not downvoting the bullshit claims.

For the record: I don’t care how many other bots are making false claims about returns. It doesn’t make your lies any less scammy. And I guess I’ll need to address this in its own post, since there are too many liars and dupes out there.

If you insist on downvoting my unrelated posts for pointing any of this out, don’t be surprised at any fallout that comes Earth Nation’s way. And that goes for all of your accounts, not just the “bot” account.

Hi David. Can we speak on the phone or something? I can tell your getting agitated..... And i don't want to upset you.

I can see that you are a protector. I really appreciate that about you.

I'm a protector too. And i've come to love the people in earthnation, just like you love the people in your poker guild and in steemit.

I know in my heart that the earthnation doesn't mean to scam people.

If it would help us reach a peaceful resolution then i would be willing to talk to them about changing their wording and verbage.

How can the @earthnation-bot change its description to more accurately tell the "truth" from your perspective?

Maybe, i could ask them to add a disclaimer to the top of every post? Something like.... "a 0.04 SBD send will result in 0.075 SBD and 0.03 SP after post rewards are paid out"?

How about this...

You guys stop spamming, you remove your downvote from this post, and I’ll just ignore all of you. You guys really aren’t even worth my time. I have better things to do that don’t involve vote-selling and scheming.

Will that work?

Totally David. The earthnation has learned a tough lesson about sending post memo "spam" on Steemit. I'll make sure they don't repeat that mistake.

I really appreciate your willingness to come to a peaceful conclusion @ats-david. Thank you for finding the time to communicate with me.

Good work, you are helping more people to earn more and more active on the steemit community @ats-david

Such passions boil! Real sports tournament. Interesting idea. Ohh, I don't have a sports almanac like in the movie "Back to the future".

Sir, how can we participate in this freeroll?

I would love to partake in this

I just join your chat on Discord, ready for wait :)

Hi @ats-david, This seems fun. Will visit your website and see if I can be part of it. By the way, this is very clever use of words:

Block-change you can believe in!

Steem On!

Thanks for hosting! I'll make the final table next time.

For everyone on this post, please make sure to support SPL posts by upvoting and resteeming if you'd like to keep the SPL going strong. The SPL is great and something worth supporting.

All the winners who went to the prize money! Thanks for the tournament! Good game!

Thanks for ready to arrangement ATS-Witness 20 SBD Freeroll contest in Lucksacks. Well done every players. Also Congrats to winners.

I'll be there for sure brother! Thanks for all your support bro! Cheers!

@ats-david, I already join Lukesucks when you posted last article day. But couldn't attend contests coz I couldn't contact you before. But hopefully waiting to attend there with more SBDs. Excellent work from @ats-witness.

get ready @reko or @jpederson96, I won the bounty last week, tomorrow I´m hoping to do the same to you!!
Good Luck everybody!

Its really great fun poker tournament. Congratulations to the winners. Thank you to give more help to steemians via those contests.
Best of luck and go ahead sir @ats-david.

@ats-david Hello!! Hey , ats-david ! Thanks for the tournament!Nice, I love knocking thank you are post

Hey man! How do I vote for you as a witness? Write-in? I'm not too techsavy.

Hey, how are you?

To vote, you have to go to the drop-down menu, “Vote for witnesses,” then write in “ats-witness” in the “VOTE” field. Or click on my footer image to go to the voting page.

I’ll get a clickable graphic up eventually that will bring you right to the key-signing part, to remove all the guesswork.

Thanks for your support!

No problem, man. You've always seemed passionate about the betterment of the community, to me. It's an easy vote, which I did just cast.
Any news or progress with the coffee business?? I haven't seen much from @bloggingforbeans.

My friend/partner in Costa Rica has been allocating a lot of his attention/resources into his own farming and exporting company with his father. He has also been doing some traveling to learn more about the business. Spent some time in Italy and in California, and now is back home for harvest season.

So, everything is on hold for now, until his schedule slows down a bit and we can get together to work up some plans.

Ahhh okay. I know where he's coming from. I recently started a woodworking business and it took off a bit more than I was anticipating. Kind of a curse and a blessing. I'm getting a lot of business but it's consumed every free minute of my life, it seems. Everything outside of building and shipping orders just kinda shut down for a while. I was even away from here for a while, but it's good to be back into the groove. Anyway, glad to hear your plans weren't scrapped or anything. I'm planning on heading down there next year a about two weeks. I'm determined to find some of that coffee you told me about.

upset I missed it...and working tomorrow too! Count me in for next week...

That's a great initiative... but I don't know how to play poker.... :(

Very cool you are sponsoring it!

I think so too! Do you play?

I used to watch Poker Stars a bit back in the day.

in chat you told that there is 2 bounties - on @reko 2SBD and 1SBD on another guy (can't remember his nick - maybe drakos) whom I knocked out

Yes, it was Drakos.

so I still have not received the bounty award

Yeah, I knocked out Reko but I didn't get anything. Who would pay that out?

That should have come from the normal Lucksacks payouts. I will handle bounties for this tournament going forward.

what you can help me, to get into sitting and playing poker, I have signed up but not yet know how to bergbung and play poker. and link discord

This how the understanding? Link To Introduction Post - Copy and paste a link to your introduction post on

wow interesting, poker and steeming.. great post specially for those who enjoys poker they'd be so interested in this..

I understood that, your post is really awesome.

wow! this is great game.! thank you so much.

good reviews @ats-david. this is great game.! thank you so much

Thanks for holding these tourneys!

I haven't heard back that I have been approved yet- I filled out the form and will be participating in the freeroll tommorow if approved, please register me for it