HIVE Price Prediction

in #price2 years ago

A year ago, I told you where the Hive price would move.

I was 100% correct, nobody listened.

Today, I am telling you, where it's going next.

Hive's price is tied to BTC, obviously;When BTC makes big moves, Hive will follow.
However, I see hope for Hive to rise above that and get recognized for what it is.
I wouldn't bet on it, though.

For now, this is my prediction for Hive and BTC, together:

  • BTC will move sideways 2023 and most of 2024
  • In late 2024 (maybe not as early as 2025) the price will explode and I see it in the 250k US$ range

Until then, I recommend you keep blogging and gathering your favorite crypto.

I have done only 2 predictions like this, and both were spot on.

I surprised myself and didn't follow my own advice as much as I should have.
Still, I made some profit from trading.

Yet, people with no clue what they are even talking about, post on leo daily and get rewarded handsomely for their useless posts.

If you want to learn about these markets, look at the history.
Check out Coingecko or Coinmarketcap and just try to identify patterns.

If you think the times when you could 10x your investment are over, you are mistaken;

  • Be patient.
  • Think medium to long term and don't buy shit you don't understand.
  • Don't listen to any of the people posting on leo finance.
  • Forget low market cap tokens (perhaps flip them, but don't invest in them).

Hive's kind of dead and very few people will see this post.
If you read this: Thanks and good luck!


Don't listen to any of the people posting on leo finance.

Finally, someone said it!

In late 2024 (maybe not as early as 2025) the price will explode and I see it in the 250k US$ range

And what will cause that? I am just curious.

Hive's kind of dead and very few people will see this post.

When I write this, people often tell me that I am negative, but nowadays this is the truth and the reality about the Hive blockchain. The visibility is often a big problem on the Hive blockchain. Many posts are overlooked. This is mainly because there are many content creators, but only a few content consumers. Most people focus on posting. Because of this, it is often hard to get real readers, even with the post promoting function on Ecency.

I blame curie and curangel

While some people earn much more than a living with them, the automatic upvotes and the curation trails are indeed bad from this aspect. We can often see posts with hundreds of upvotes, but with 0 (or with only a very few) real human comments. I do not know what the "outsiders" think, when they see such posts, but this is probably not an "inviting" image to register on and to start using the Hive blockchain as a content creator. The lack of an audience on the posts probably look disappointing. Even from the inside, but from the outside too. If I would see it from that viewpoint, then probably I would think that this platform is a ghost town, or something like this. I do not even know. Hopefully the future will be better for the Hive blockchain. I am trying to be consistently, regularly active on it, and I would like to see good things on it, but the truth is truth.


But how exactly?

Don't listen to any of the people posting on leo finance.

Auf leofinance schreibe ich schon seit mehr als einem Jahr nicht mehr - die Betreiber des Frontends haben bei mir verschissen.

Überhaupt sollte man sich stets selber ein Bild von der Lage machen und sich charttechnische Kompetenzen aneignen - Szenarien durchspielen und danach sein Handeln ausrichten.

Wer das nicht will der kann auch Cost Average betreiben. Damit schlägt man auf lange Sicht immer den Markt ohne selber großen Aufwand zu betreiben.

Beste Grüße.

Don't listen to any of the people posting on leo finance.

Quite the generalization :)

Hive's kind of dead and very few people will see this post.

Here is one.

If you read this: Thanks and good luck!

Good luck!

Quite the generalization :)

You will see a lot more of that, if you keep following.

I have nothing to lose: I will end this blog end of this year; Before that, I will speak my mind and I couldn't care less about being nuanced or subtle.

Gibt es einen Grund den Blog zu schliessen und zu beenden?

Denn auch ich erwische mich des öfteren bei dem Gedanken hier kürzer zu treten...

Zeit ist kostbar im Leben - unendlich kostbar.

Man kann sich auch aufs voten beschränken und dafür andere Schwerpunkte setzen.

Wie auch immer.

Beste Grüße.

Ich werde einige spezielle Leute anfangen downzuvoten (was für ein Wort, aber ich finde keins auf deutsch) und die werden dann mit meinem blog kurzen Prozess machen.

Erklärung kommt noch...

Ich würde dafür einen anderen Account anlegen - und nicht den Original Account durch die subversiven Elemente des Systems schrotten lassen.

Wäre zu schade - auch wegen des Wiedererkennungswertes.

Not sure what happened on your side .... but yea ... always intested to hear out some non standard opinions.

Yet, people with no clue what they are even talking about, post on leo daily and get rewarded handsomely for their useless posts.

Yeah I do pretty nicely out of that myself!

I like you and your blog for various reasons. Your voting pattern or reward farming attitude isn't one of them.

I tried to be as diplomatic as my mood and English-abilities allowed for :)

I tend to vote for people I know power up - voting more widely is a challenge 'as to reward farming well people don't have to vote me and most of it gets piled right back in!

No need to be diplomatic.

You are auto-voting for who I consider some of the worst abusers of Hive.
I will write a post about them, before I start auto-downvoting their asses.

...they will pretty much nuke this account, but that's ok.

I thought I 'd taken my AV offline - will sort thar out cheers

Mach´ nichts Unüberlegtes! Was hat Dich so erzürnt?

Ich werde mich, bevor ich mit den downvotes anfange, noch erklären.
Über dem Plan brüte ich nun schon seit ca. 1 Jahr.

Soviel sei gesagt: Ich mache das nicht aus Zorn oder anderen Emotionen heraus.

i love you felix
please dont leave

Love you too!

If you think the times when you could 10x your investment are over, you are mistaken

Word. This happens every cycle when plebs seeing their bags way underwater fall for the narrative that the price will never recover.

Hive's kind of dead and very few people will see this post.

Not entirely true. The way I see it there's much more activity during this bear market than it was in 2018.

Rewards Curation HP Author HP HIVE HBD Benef. HP Total USD*
All Time 839.95 32,739.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,519.92

Out of 32k HP (not including the HIVE airdrop), you kept 2k and delegate away half of it and also you are in power down.

If you believed in Hive, you'd hold some of it.

It is this exact behavior that is killing Hive.

Hive killt nur der HBD Missbrauch. 20 Prozent für HBD Stakes sind Gift für die HIVE Blockchain als ganzes.

Es ist ein Akt einseitiger Bereicherung durch jene, die diesen Zins eingeführt haben - zu Lasten aller Nutzer der Plattform.

Mit dem HBD gebe ich dir grundsätzlich Recht; Permanenter Verkaufsdruck durch die Absahner hilft dem Preis aber auch nicht...

Für micht ist das der Hauptgrund.

Denn ohne diese Absahner die im Vorfeld als Weichensteller diese Selbstbedienung mit 20 Prozent Zins für HBD eingerichtet haben, haben diese bestimmt ihr HIVE auf den Markt geworfen und im dadurch künstlich erzeugten Absturz die 10-fache Menge an Hive sich einzuverleiben.

Sobald diese Adressen, die dahinter stecken sich die Taschen vollgesteckt haben, werden sie versuchen das Spielchen wieder umzukehren. Zinsen weg und den HBD abstürzen lassen.

Aber die 20% sind doch für ALLE und nicht nur für "Absahner". Man muss nicht überall eine Verschwörung sehen. Ich habe auch Euros in HBD konvertiert. Bin ich deswegen ein Absahner? In 2021 war die Hive-Inflation sogar geringer als in den Jahren davor. Auch in 22 wird sie nicht sehr hoch sein.
Und wieso sollte der HBD abstürzen? Es ist algorhythmisch ziemlich gut stabilisiert.

Wer in HBD investiert, investiert nicht in Hive und damit in die Seele der Blockchain.

HBD produziert nichts, außer weitere HBD aus dem Nichts. Der innere Wert der HBD ist folglich null.

Das signalisiert auch der Zins HBD. HBD besitzt Ramschstatus.

Beste Grüße !BEER

I don't delegate anything. That HP is delegated to me actually. If I didn't believe in Hive I wouldn't be around here anymore. Believing in Hive doesn't necessarily mean stacking HP endlessly. That's probably why some folks quit after quite a few good years of hiving. Hive is my main source of income. Hence the power downs... I don't see anything killing Hive at the moment. The way I see it there's still decent activity and development for this blockchain and it has turned into a place for all sorts of individuals, way superior to Steem where most of us were pretty much fitting the same patterns. Hive's not dying. Activity might have suffered a bit during the bear market but that's part of the evolution.

There is a diference between endlessly stacking Hive and beeing a fucking leech.

Are you calling me a fucking leech?

I think you identify yourself as one

I too think that 250k$ is the next bull run target for Bitcoin and that a reason why I keep accumulating. At that time, Bitcoin will be far more widespread and dollar may have lost even more purchasing power than now. So, accumulating store-of-value (on/off risk) are a good stategy to me. And yes. I will keep blogging, since I have just my first post's birthday here on Hive and I am going to spread the work on Hive even more

good advice to keep writing and save our Cryptocurrencies waiting for that period of late 2024 and early 2025 to see the final takeoff

I could remember I came across that particular post. That last year's post changed my mindset about investing more on hive and till now I am not regretting it and I give you credit for that Buddy. Let's hope this would be another big one too. Cheers!🥂

Am happy am a part of the few that are lucky to see this post i will also give some of your point a thought in other to utilize every opportunity around here but i will like to always have you around @felixxx

What price do you see Hive at next year? I could see BTC 250k... But the Hive:BTC chart looks ugly..

Wave Media

Impossible to predict. Especially at such low volumes.

Looong term, I think Hive has potential.
One single article (news flow), or a listing at an exchange could move the price significantly from one moment to the next.

I was thinking you might have a number for us! 😅