Developing a love for programming: Learning and loving Python

in #programminglast year

Python is cool


Studying Python for the past few months.

I've been studying python for the past couple months and really enjoying the process. For anyone interested in a fantastic easy to read language that I really believe any beginner could work with, check out Python. I didn't realize how much a dynamically typed language would really help the readability of the code. Plus understanding what dynamically typed means actually helps me with other languages that aren't, such as Javascript.

Most programming languages start off by teaching you how to program "Hello World". The idea is to get the most basic of programming challenges completed as a stepping stone onward towards programming more complex things. To program Python's hello world it is this simple:

print("Hello World!")

Hello World! would pop up on your Python console. There was no declaring data types. I didn't have to tell Python that "Hello World!" is not a number, but a string of characters. Python just knew it. To me, print("hello world") shows the beauty and simplicity of reading Python, and how accessible it is. I will ask non programmers, heck, non computer people "What do you think print hello world! does in Python?" and they usually say "uh, prints Hello World?"


Python is a fantastic language to start with.

I suppose the entire point of this short blog entry is how cool Python is. I will probably write about it more as the year progresses. This is the year that I intend on becoming at least proficient in programming. In another blog I will discuss how, but it boils down to persistence. Learning to code is not like riding a bike, you learn it and then it comes natural. It is a process that you have to keep yourself engaged in, and you have to have interest in and want to do.

If you have the drive and the inclination to learn how to program, Python is fantastic to start with.

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Amphlux is: Musician. Artist. Technophile. Cryptophile. Producer. Engineer. Father. Human. Blog about technology creativity aesthetics and philosophy. You can follow me on twitter here!