Happy New Year HIVE... πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯³ πŸ™Œ

in #proofofbrain β€’ 2 years ago (edited)

Who wouldn't want to invest in an asset that grows like HIVEPOWER? πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

My HIVE Account Growth is going through the roof!
Screenshot 2022-01-01 at 8.49.33 PM.png Slow and Steady wins the race!! HIVEPOWER is there best Crypto investment ever!

And there Big Winner is for 2021 was HIVE!

No the big winner wasn't BTC, or ETH, they can walk the plank because HIVE schooled them both last year Arrr! haha HIVE did way better than both top coins in 2021, and I expect that trend to continue and even amplify over the next few years. If you have any ETH or BTC, it's time to sell them to HIVE. Actually the time to sell them to HIVE would have been a year ago, but the next best time is always now!

When this HIVE trend continues this year, HIVE hodlers should all become mega rich...

So whatever you do...don't paper hand out now just when the party is getting started. If anything it's time to buy more on any weakness (if there even is any - I doubt it). 2021 was good, but I have a feeling 2022 will be great, especially when HIVE hits at least 10-14 dollars or more per coin within the next 6-12 months!
Unknown-1.jpeg WOW...For the past year HIVE growth outpaced both ETH and BTC! Source: Coingecko!

My long term HIVE PRICE target is $1000-$3000

I don't see any reason why HIVE can't get up to at least $1000 in the next 5 years! All HIVE HODLERS are gonna be rich AF soon! πŸ€— πŸ€— πŸ€—
hive-3000.jpeg Lots of ETH volume that needs to move into HIVE this year...tons!

HIVE is more than ETH all over again!

ETH and BTC were great precursors to HIVE, but HIVE is just starting to shine brighter. HIVE's a rising star, while BTC and ETH are cash cows, their days are numbered in comparison. What we can already do with HIVE now is impossible for ETH and BTC, so it's out with the old, and in with the new, tech that is as more and more crypto users open their eyes the real utility that HIVE has to offer! Utility that doesn't even stop here, one day HIVE will offer all the EVM capabilities of ETH on top of everything we have now, just think of how bright the future of NFT Gaming will be, all the possibilities HIVE will bring in will be HUGE, the HUGEST!


2022 is finally here, HIVE hip hip hooray!

It's a whole new year to either kick back and celebrate all the hard work you've put in, but also also a time to start fresh and keep moving forward if you haven't yet reached your HIVE goals. There's still plenty of time to catch the HIVE boat to Moon Island, so don't hesitate, there's plenty of room for everyone, all you got to do is get aboard to watch the HIVE fireworks as the price goes sky high in 2022, and sends all our portfolios through the roof!

Screenshot 2022-01-01 at 10.08.24 PM.png

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We are getting there soon boss because 2021 is good for hive in time of price performance, meaning 2022 will be more better as well. Good job boss

Wrong team, I kept adding my SP on steam but ignore the HP on here hive last year, what a shameπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Yeah STEEM is the wrong chain because of all that ninja mined steem that ruined it. Justin Sun recked it, and it's unrepairable. Now that Justin Sun is leaving he will just pass the torch onto some new dictator most likely, I don't trust it that much.

I still hold some STEEM just in case the price is manipulated and pumps again to give me a chance to sell, but it is becoming apparent that HIVE is the winner and is here to stay. STEEM was like the prototype for hive, a big blog testing ground. This year it's time to cut back adding to STEEM, and start adding more to HIVE, still plenty of time left to grow here.

thank you very much for sharing information, have a good day and a great mood

With the way the hive is trending I strongly believe that with a matter of time it will surely get there

Happy New Year. I hope 2022 works well for you.

Quite a bullish prediction from you. Would be so awesome to see it hit such heights. 2021 was indeed an amazing year for hive in terms of price performance. With many lined up for the new year, I think 2022 will be much better.

Happy New year


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thank you very much for the exchange, have a nice day and great trading


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I hope so.
And based on its performance and potential, I do feel like it can get there.

Hive at $1000 wow!!! I don’t know how I will act or feel but I know I will be stinking rich



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Happy New Year

Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

HEX PULSE isn't here yet so we can't test it out to see the utility it will really bring. I am able to use HIVE every day, so I know more about that and use concrete knowledge to make my predictions better. As of this moment Pulse is still imaginary, so yes you are dreaming.

You might be right about HEX PULSE, and it may be the next big eth and btc killer, but that will help hive a lot too since neither eth nor btc have anything on HIVE. lol HEX Pulse set the wrong target, they should have tried to be the ETH, BTC, and HIVE killer, but luckily HIVE runs under the radar and Richard Heart doesn't recognize HIVE.

Yes you are biased, you know that. You have to stop letting your emotions take the better of your decisions about hive. Just because @themarkymark flags your rewards because of a personal matter doesn't mean anything about hive, or the price, or the future of HIVE in the long run. HIVE is a lot bigger than only one or two people and any one hive feud. It's ok though, I understand where you are coming from since I was stripped of rewards for a very long time too, but luckily I was able to see the forest for the trees and correct my path before it was too late.

It's nothing personal.

O.K. more like public feud yeah. I don't know anything about it detail wise, probably best I keep it that way. haha

Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I agree, and I wish @themarkymark would just let you go without downvotes this year! Come on Marky give it a shot, what's the worst that could happen giving Lasse one more chance. I think you should use those downvotes on some real bad actors this year instead. Lassee's content is not bad or repulsive, he doesn't harm anyone, he doesn't plagiarize, he's grammatically correct, he promotes hive, invests money promoting it, and I bet he won't self vote if he didn't have to at least attempt to counter your votes. Please Marky he'll be good, and he won't call anyone a ballhead again. I don't think anyone else would have any objections. If anyone has an objection, please comment below, or forever hold your peace... lol