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RE: Happy New Year HIVE... πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯³ πŸ™Œ

in #proofofbrain β€’ 2 years ago (edited)

HEX PULSE isn't here yet so we can't test it out to see the utility it will really bring. I am able to use HIVE every day, so I know more about that and use concrete knowledge to make my predictions better. As of this moment Pulse is still imaginary, so yes you are dreaming.

You might be right about HEX PULSE, and it may be the next big eth and btc killer, but that will help hive a lot too since neither eth nor btc have anything on HIVE. lol HEX Pulse set the wrong target, they should have tried to be the ETH, BTC, and HIVE killer, but luckily HIVE runs under the radar and Richard Heart doesn't recognize HIVE.

Yes you are biased, you know that. You have to stop letting your emotions take the better of your decisions about hive. Just because @themarkymark flags your rewards because of a personal matter doesn't mean anything about hive, or the price, or the future of HIVE in the long run. HIVE is a lot bigger than only one or two people and any one hive feud. It's ok though, I understand where you are coming from since I was stripped of rewards for a very long time too, but luckily I was able to see the forest for the trees and correct my path before it was too late.

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It's nothing personal.

O.K. more like public feud yeah. I don't know anything about it detail wise, probably best I keep it that way. haha

Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I agree, and I wish @themarkymark would just let you go without downvotes this year! Come on Marky give it a shot, what's the worst that could happen giving Lasse one more chance. I think you should use those downvotes on some real bad actors this year instead. Lassee's content is not bad or repulsive, he doesn't harm anyone, he doesn't plagiarize, he's grammatically correct, he promotes hive, invests money promoting it, and I bet he won't self vote if he didn't have to at least attempt to counter your votes. Please Marky he'll be good, and he won't call anyone a ballhead again. I don't think anyone else would have any objections. If anyone has an objection, please comment below, or forever hold your peace... lol