in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

Today, quite a few of my friends overseas have been asking about life in New Zealand. And yes, we do have a psycho hosebeast "prime minister" hell bent on destroying our country while a nation of mind controlled sheeple wear muzzles and cower inside in fear of an imaginary "variant" of virus that was bullshit in the first place.

So we are fucked, they have won, and it's all over right? NO.... not quite!

Today I went for a walk around the shops before heading down to the beach. It was cold, but sunny, and after a long winter of heavy rain it's always nice to have a day of sun.

So what is it like here in a level 4 lockdown? The shopping area was empty, with most shops closed, and about a third of the people in the street (and there were not very many of them) were wearing muzzles. There were very few cars on the roads.


At the beach there were just a few people walking their dogs. Not many of them were wearing muzzles, but one or two were (the people, not the dogs).


If all you saw was the official government propaganda (mainstream news) there are only two people in NZ questioning the narrative, and they were both arrested yesterday, (Yes it's true that both Billy Te Kahika and Vinnie Eastwood were arrested yesterday), but on a personal level we are talking to a range of people who are working hard to expose the lies, and websites, videos and other information are being widely circulated - many people are very cautious to speak initially, but as soon as they find out you are not a covid cult member they open up.

Here is an example - talking to a technician who was arranging another time to come over because he was not allowed to do his job today, it emerged that he is now spending his time researching the coronahoax and had just watched this excellent interview with Stew Peters and Dr Jane Ruby.

Now here is the key thing - he said that 18 months ago he believed the narrative. BUT NOW HE DOES NOT. In some cases we have been surprised and disappointed to find people we thought were smarter than to believe this clown show have been suckered in, hook line and sinker, and that is a downer. On the other hand there are all sorts of regular people secretly doing their own research and not saying anything publicly. Many more than would appear at first glance. And that is heartening.

Getting yelled at for not wearing a muzzle in a shop totally sucks - but people who wear muzzles are generally not brave or strong minded people, and for them to start yelling may mean they are starting to lose confidence in their delusions, and are now scared enough to start reacting with anger.

Or they may just be terrified of an imaginary disease - but either way - fear is not strength. For everyone who is getting disillusioned by watching this psyop play out - stay strong and remember this Margaret Mead quote:


I know I can be a vague and cynical prick sometimes, but when the shit hits the fan, I do at least seem to become more focused...



Always great when someone wakes up to this crap show.

One by one, they slowly are

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Fear eventually will break you or make you mad. Mad like getting even, not mad like going insane. DO NOT TAKE THE JAB.


Back when i first got fully red pilled in 98, the vax scam was the very first thing i learned about. I wouldn't get a cat injected, let alone myself!

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I never got deep in vax scams but instinctively was leery of the flu ones. Stopped getting yearly shots for my cats years ago. Read the negative things about them. When Larry had 2 bumps where his shots were given that did it. Told my vet no more shots. That was 10 years ago. All my cats doing well without any shots or visits to vet.

we did have a cat who was injected yearly and lived to be 21 (she was actually pretty healthy up to about 19), but I would never do that these days

Sure is a convenient coincidence you guys had to give up your guns just before this shit hit. You can still own crossbows right?

All eyes on the protest in Oz this Saturday. Never give in.

There are 5 million licenced guns in nz....just 48 of them were surrended!
But most of the population are fully mind controlled and believe the narrative
I know a guy with five guns who is pro vax. An ex friend who is now no longer speaking to me...

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Good to hear about the guns, bad to hear about the brainwashed.

Wow, the picture is quite impressive. It looks lifeless. Reminds me at the beginnings in last year. Here in Hamburg (big city) streets and high ways were empty, but now are not. Still, less public traffic in the amusement miles but compared to tougher lockdown times it gotten better. But it's still summer. I bet in wintertime the show again starts to get going. Last year, in the end of summer I was thinking "how to survive the winter?" Somehow I got through it. This year I think the same. I think it's getting maybe worse before it gets better. I would like to be wrong. For people have very different paces and until it's gotten to the last ones, it may need some more time ... we seem to live all in different realities.

If I can, I'll send some pics from my Saturday walk through town with my man.

Greetings to the other side of the world.

Greetings back...yes I think it's going to get worse until there is a tipping point

I had heard that NZ and Australia had become Police States, the regime seems far tougher for you than what we had in the UK, though we too still have our cock sucking vainglorious virtue signallers in their face nappies, all rushing to get the jab. Like sheep to the slaughter house.

personally never worn one, "i'm exempt"..... prove i'm not, you cant!! fuck you.


The great unwashed forget the history of nazi germany, (though most of that was lies and propaganda), and the resultant Nuremberg Trials that set down the Nuremberg Code, for medical experiments, which is quite obviously seen now as 'not applicable".

Don't let the bastards grind you down!!!!!

Yes I'm exempt too!


They arrested Vinnie? That's sad, not a big fan, find him a bit grating but he has a young child and mrs, hope he's ok. My sis as you know works there as a midwife and she is feeling a bit lonely too. I don't think she is he only one but it seems that way to her right now. She knows the score. I wish she could find more like minded people there.

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Vinnie is out on bail but banned from the internet for 3 months...

I never gave him full support because I disagreed with him on a few points, but now when push came to shove he stood up, so from this point on he is in my good book.

Where does your sister live?

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oh man thats bad, the internet is his livelihood!! He has a lot of fans so maybe they will keep supporting him. My sis lives in Chartwell, Hamilton. Anywhere near you? Maybe I could hook you two up lol

i live in wellington - about as different from hamiliton as can be!

it's probably not a hotbed of dissent...

but it's the people in the south island who ultimately still have some balls, and who are waking up fastest - but there are a lot less of them





Pretty sure she used to live in Wellington originally. So she's in the nerdy bit of NZ then?

It's hot, flat, inland, and lacking all interest, scenery, or culture, yes...dont tell her I said that!

Doubt she'd care if I did ;-)

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In Europe we had a lot of lock downs in the past year and half, yeah they suck, but things return to normal eventually

Normal is over and out...we either overthrow these maggots or live as slaves in the agenda 2030 nightmare

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Nice and quiet place
It made rest and reassure, I wish you more success

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There is quiet and then there is hiding indoors like prisoners

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It's level 4 lockdown in Korea. Here they set me up for a second dose of the vaccine and then suddenly postponned the second does another month due to complications. I really don't know what is going on but when we are level four we still go out. New Zealand looks like a ghost town.

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Just say no...

Yes, it is a ghost town - i did see this cool car though - 73 Valiant - this road is where the two biggest supermarkets are - and they are both open, so there was some sign of life.


Good morning from this side of the World,from what i read so far on story of new Zealand I want to ask a question is it politically wise for the minister To make such comment.

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The prime minister does what she wants - globalist puppets get to do whatever their ego demands until they are no longer of use and then they get to take the fall and be replaced by the next puppet.

How to get arrested in NZ:

This going to be a trend now, isn't it?

Yes, pretty much everywhere is going to get the variant lockdown con within two months...


So easy to see and understand for me.. a minimally educated man. I don't consider myself courageous but compared to so many I guess I am.

They are like zombies, i try to get eye contact, and so far never have, not once out of hundreds of muzzleheads

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so this is controversial but:
still trying to figure out whether the motives are ultimately for the benefit of humanity. It seems more and more that the plan behind all of this is some sort of twisted righteous eugenics 2.0 where some have decided that humanity is to be rid of all the hopelessly enslaved who choose their shackels over and over again because they refuse to think for themselves...

that is not my line of thinking but i'll contemplate it and have a ponder!

aye i am not fully on board but this situation really begs the question who will come out of this more damaged... those who are shunned as dangerous deniers today, or those who will have to not only live with the physical and psychological consequences of their choice but may also find out that this was nothing but a scam, tomorrow.

let me know what you come up with