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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

What's your take on plagiarism or fraud? Do you think it's existence, or the community's reluctance to police itself with prevent it from growing?

Plagiarism is bad and should be punishable even though some people still don't understand what it means to plagiarise, it's not just about copying someone's work, fraud is the worst of it..

I have seen situations where someone drops same content with different heading, some open multiple accounts and reply themselves to gain engagement rewards when @amr008 engagement program was still on and many others I can't mention...

All thanks to @scholaris.pob for always watching and punishing violators immediately, I was punished by him too🤣🤣🤣..
He made me know that even if I used someone's statement, I should acknowledge the person, and plagiarism is not just when you copy someone full work...

It's existence will surely prevent the community from growing well if measures are not effectively put in place,

proofofbrain won't be a place for the knowledgeable but for just anybody..

happy new week

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There is also an issue of some people involving in the practice without even realising it, I think any one bringing in new users should try as much as possible to enlighten them on what plagiarism is all about and why not to involve in it.

I could still remember when my friend was introducing hive to me, how he will continue to tell me never to copy one's work for no reason without attributing it to them. That if I get caught i could lose my account.

And that warning keeps on guiding me up till this moment.

So each and every one of us has a rule to play in cubing the ugly trend.

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You are very lucky that you are invited by someone like that who has warned you about all of this.
This should be a very important task for all of us who invite more people in telling them about plagiarism

Yeah, I guess I was lucky, before I joined the hive I knew very little about it.

And we all need to do our part in educating our invitees .

Yes. We all have a part to play.

Oh... You fell victim. Well at least you learnt from your mistake.

You are right @rapha-el7
Since when amr008 has stopped engagement program, there is decrease in fake engagement and that make sense