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It's a hotly debated topic for sure. My personal opinion is that if their vote is low enough, then I don't care. I curate as normal. However, if their stake is high enough to allow a significant level of rewards, then I won't downvote, but I won't curate either.

Self-votes were allowed and even recommended in the past to demonstrate that the author believes in their work. Now, it's not allowed because whales in the past abused the system. Currently, there is a negative stigma against the practice. I ignore that stigma unless the rewards become significant.

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Very well said. Self voting is definitely a bad influence. I had seen so much of Reward Pool abuse by big Whales in Steemit, but I would say Hive is Much better and a Good Working Ecosystem, So Many Responsible and Honest Curators.

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Sincerely I didn't know much about steemit mate,but honestly when it come to hive have not really see this happening that much though I do see some users with small vote power up voting themselves too at times.

But it is not a rampant attitude here on hive since have joined,But i will still say that should not take away the fairness of engagement in the community, cause if everyone of us can up vote ourselves and get reward then it means engagement has lot it value

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In my own opinion,this is a cheating if there is so much frequency in your self upvote.
Even if you upvote yourself,you should reduce the numbers of time you upvote yourself content as it's a act of cheating and that's why your curation or your upvote reward to other content is shared 50/50.
Minimise yourself upvote and don't let it To be too much for this community growth

The cause of self upvote is selfishness and greed and nothing more.
Why would you be self upvoting your content when curation reward is shared half, half of the reward will go to the content creator and have will be yours and you are still up watching yourself to get all the rewards.
It's just greed and self centeredness and that act should be stopped in this community

Self-upvote does not mean selfishness or self-centered.
Some people will write content and will dedicate their time to create the content because it is not easy to create a content without copying.
so you will take all your time to create the content and you will hardly receive an upvote.
So why one curate himself?, Then you will now start using your money buying pob while other are selling and making money and you will create the content and you will not receive any reward.
So I don't blame anyone who upvote himself

That could be the reason for some of the self-votes, but not all. What I understood was that some people believed, or were led to believe, that self-voting was good because it showed people you were willing to spend VP on your own content.

Can I see the reason why some people will say that your reputation must be high before you comment on their their content to avoid clone and fake users.
Before I do criticize them but I now know why did they took the step and that step is so wonderful because it will reduce fraudulent act it's just that that step also have a disadvantage

I don't know that what you described was ever an issue.

If this act of upvoting your content is illegal then the features should be removed from pob community and hive community but since the features is included then there is nothing about it and it means it's legal.
Is just that some people abuse it and use it excessively

I agree with you,there are some time that you yourself will type and post,when you go back and read what you have post you will have no chose than to vote yourself,so it is normal.

it is only cheating that is not acceptable

My view is very similar to yours on this! Another thing I notice is that in the old days on steemit, it was very difficult to get votes. Mainly our BR community. Either you paid what little you could for some accounts to vote (which wasn't always profitable) or you were suffering joining. Almost without support from the community itself. Over time, the person started to have a slightly better vote and voted for himself since he was not properly recognized. I believe that some of this lack of recognition in the past ended up making some people keep this practice. I may be wrong, but that's what I noticed and it would be what I would do if I went back there that way.

You are correct friend, its totally crazy there. Before Joining Hive this May, I was on Steemit for few days because I was not aware of Hive. I don't know what's going there, it is totally abused by few communities, just 3-4 lines post getting above 100$ rewards, and some good and quality content not even a single Upvote. I am glad I found about Hive and POB and not wasted much time there. 😊

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Exactly. That's why here at HIVE is much better. people really want to help others

Definitely and I really want to say the self vote issue is not really much here and I have not really come across big whales that engage in it that, though I don't really look at numbers of people that vote for other's people content anyway,but I will still say it is not rampant here

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That is really bad on steemit,but nothing of such can happen here on hive and honestly that show the level of fairness in this community.

Br I just hope self vote issues can be looked into properly so that power won't be abuse by those that have it

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