Are there aliens? The Poll😂 That Will Never Reveal The Truth - Just 4 Fun

in #proofofbrain8 months ago

Are there aliens? The Poll😂 That Will Never Reveal The Truth - Just 4 Fun


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What do you think!!! Do you think aliens exist???

Although there is supposed to be evidence suggesting the possibility of extraterrestrial life, there is still no definitive evidence to confirm the existence of extraterrestrials. For example, officially no habitable planet similar to Earth has ever been found.

Still the universe is a pretty amazing vast place. It contains billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars. If every star in every galaxy had a planet that could support life, there would be more habitable planets than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth.


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Simply put, the question above has continued to fascinate people for centuries. Are there other forms of life outside our terrestrial space!!! Hmmm..... We all know that in recent years, several discoveries have been made that suggest that the universe is a vast and hospitable place with the potential to host extraterrestrial life forms. But, is it really like that!!!?...

Generally through this survey i will simply ask you what you think about the existence of aliens. Curious about the opinions of each of the people who work in this huge ecosystem. Just look at the following answer choices

  • 🛡️ I think aliens exist, but i'm not convinced they're intelligent.

  • 🛡️ I believe there are aliens, but i'm convinced they are intelligent and will visit us soon.

  • 🛡️ I believe that aliens exist, but i'm convinced that they are not intelligent and will never visit us.

  • 🛡️ I think so, but their existence is hidden - governments or other forces hide their existence from the public.

  • 🛡️ We are not alone in the universe - it is impossible that there is nothing else.

  • 🛡️ There are life forms and alien intelligence in the universe, but not human...

  • 🛡️ Aliens life are among us.

A Brief History of the Search for Aliens

Human interest in aliens dates back to ancient times. Since ancient times, people have created myths and legends about beings from other worlds. For example, the ancient Greeks believed in gods who lived on Mount Olympus, and the Romans believed in gods who lived on Mount Olympus.


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From ancient legends of aliens to modern scientific research, great intellectual minds have always been curious about whether we are alone in the universe. In Greek mythology, for example, gods and goddesses are often depicted as extraterrestrial beings living in other worlds. In popular culture, aliens are often portrayed as hostile beings who want to invade our planet.

  • 👁️‍🗨️ In the Middle Ages, interest in extraterrestrials declined, but resurfaced in the Renaissance. During this time, people began to study the universe more closely and began to wonder if life could exist in other parts of the universe.

  • 👁️‍🗨️ In the 17th century, Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei discovered that Earth is not the only planet in our solar system. This discovery ushered in a new era of interest in extraterrestrials.

  • 👁️‍🗨️ In the 19th century, the American astronomer Percival Lowell observed what he believed to be man-made canals on the planet Mars. This observation led to an explosion of speculation about the existence of extraterrestrial life on Mars.

  • 👁️‍🗨️ In the 20th century, astronomers discovered that there are billions of galaxies in the universe. This has increased the likelihood that life exists in other parts of the universe.

In addition to the discovery of planets outside our solar system, several mysterious sightings have been reported that could be interpreted as signs of extraterrestrial life.

  • 👁️‍🗨️ One of the most famous sightings is the Roswell UFO case of 1947. That year, a mysterious object landed near Roswell, New Mexico. The US government initially said the object was a weather balloon, but many people believe it was actually a UFO.

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Another mysterious observation is that of the Wowww! signal, which was received by the Arecibo radio telescopes in Puerto Rico in 1977. The signal lasted only a few seconds and was of unusual intensity. Some people believe the signal was sent by an alien civilization, but others believe it was radio interference or some other natural phenomenon.


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Yep, extraterrestrial research has seen significant growth. Astronomers have discovered thousands of planets outside our solar system, and some of these planets may be capable of supporting life. Several mysterious sightings have also been reported that could be interpreted as signs of extraterrestrial life.

Ok, from my point of view i think it is very likely that there is alien life in the universe. The universe is a vast place and there are billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars. Some of these stars are likely to have planets that can support life.



I’ve never in my life believed in aliens
I don’t think they are real


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I respect your opinion and no matter what i try to explain, i assume that it will not change your perception of your personal belief. I suspect that you are quite a faithful person and you respect the religious dogmas in which you were born, raised and developed your precious life. Curious, have you ever thought that somewhere in the infinite universe there is a possibility that on a distant planet, almost similar to our planet, certain forms of life exist!!? Maybe they don't look like us - maybe they just exist in the form of small particles of energy....or maybe other beings that can levitate or communicate through the power of thought (telepathy). Look for example the supreme creator referred to in Bibles around the world ~ he may have turned to other types of planets to create certain life forms.... there is a possibility...!PGM !LOOLZ !MEME !WEED

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Sie fliegt zum Wolkenkratzer.

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Till now I still find it difficult to believe that aliens actually exist

So therefore i assume it would be an imaginary invention of some types of people who maybe sought to hide something specific ~ like fulfilling a wish through some super fancy action. This is what i would understand from the sentence you presented. ....that would be a hypothesis!!! ! PGM !LOOLZ !MEME

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Grüne Farbe.

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I think yes, or maxbe there was. Maybe they have destroyed themself like we will do🤔

Taking😊 into account what is presented to us from the mythologies of ancient civilizations, i would have come to a similar conclusion. Giants, titans a diversity of beings with supernatural powers together with various entities that were considered to have been immortal ~ yes maybe they were destroyed due to some natural cataclysms, hard to imagine wars or maybe due to some negative technological events.... still right proof that life continued to exist in this universe ( we humans on this precious Earth ). At the present time we as humans experience three worlds: ~ the physical world, the digital or virtual world and the world of dreams ( possibly the spiritual one - possible ). From my point of view, from what i perceive at the present time in none of the 3 worlds in which the consciousness of each of us resides, they not really experience that intense calmness that i suspect we all yearn for (maybe i can't quite express the idea of calmness ). In general, we experience life as we perceive it, but maybe after we reach exhaustion - maybe, where will we end up??? Life after death, as we can define it. From my point of view, it represents a continuity that otherwise the life we experienced in this plane would have no meaning. I have the impression that the problem comes down to the individual way in which we can define life itself. !PGM !LOOLZ !MEME and lot of☺️ !HUG

Who knows if there isn't a lot of truth in the Stargate series ;)

I really enjoyed watching this series.

There are many things that can't be explained without aliens. The precision of the pyramids, Stonehenge and much more.

At least we still have no explanation as to how the ancient Egyptians managed to build them the way they did. And we couldn't do it today despite all our technology. So how did they manage it?

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My favorite was Stargate Atlantis - i watched that fabulous series 3 times. Simply by exposing that series, someone in particular sought to explain the role of world mythologies. I'm of the opinion that the answers to the sought-after questions can only be discovered if you stir the imagination of others in society ~ I suspect that was the main role of that scientific creation. As a person, i tend to believe that prominent personalities all over the world know many details about the historical reality of what really happened on this earth. Quite simply, many of the inventions that we enjoy today using them on a daily basis were inspired by the notes or writings of people who witnessed something specific. Look at OpenAI for example with their artificial intelligence called ChatGpt - I tend to think that their decision to give the general public access to that innovation was just out of a desire to solve a persistent problem of what they develop in a closed, rather private environment . Therefore the tool we were experiencing belongs to a possible more evolved entity censored to the general public. I mean, for the most part, i believe that there are several types of technologies manipulated in secret just out of the desire not to create panic at the global level. For example, only the hysteria created with the appearance of the ChatGpt product, then Bing and Bard from Google. It is impossible not to have more technology behind the public curtain. Possibly someone in particular, perhaps a global organization is trying to protect the evolution of human civilization by keeping the secrets of the world away from certain categories of people who seek to cause chaos around them. Through the education of the new generation, some of those possible secrets can be released.....or maybe not ~ possibly depends on certain vital factors !PGM !LOOLZ !MEME

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It’s not tearable.

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Maybe they have destroyed themself like we will do🤔

Just think that there is a possibility that we are the descendants of those types of beings and therefore there is a diversity of variables that we human beings go through certain evolutionary stages (negative - positive), as they would have done. For example, we like robots and artificial intelligence - we have them and we want them to exist and evolve under our control, and this only out of the desire to make our existence easier. It is possible that over time this desire will ensure our destruction, but i don't think it will be total ~ that is, life could continue to exist but in a different way than what we know or can perceive at the moment. !PGM !MEME !LOOLZ

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Warum steht ein Pils im Wald?
Weil die Tannen zapfen.

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Of course there is life out there, it's probably very far away and it's probably better that we don't encounter many of them. They may not play nice with others!

As far as UFO's, I've seen three in my days. No idea what they really are, but it's spooky when you see them!

As far as UFO's, I've seen three in my days.

I believe you when you say that you would have seen those types of flying objects ~ on the American continent many types of events have always happened which are more strange and at the same time interesting. It is widely known that there on that huge continent there are a lot of public and private companies competing in the field of technology ~ therefore there would be a huge possibility that what you could have witnessed were experimental aircraft. America is still a power that creates global competitiveness. !PGM !LOOLZ !MEME !HUG

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Ich verstehe nicht warum meine Pflanzen immer vertrocknen.
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We are not alone!! Check out my articles on the topic and current events surrounding disclosure. This is the first.