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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Plagiarism is bad no doubt. I heard about spaminator and how it functions. Basically it spots plagiarized posts right?

Plagiarism can occur because first, the author pays for the work. I heard this too is totally unacceptable. Your work should be genuine and straight from you, but some people get too tired with their daily lives and as such, they put the writing in a trusted person's hand.

Ultimately, one hidden reason for plagiarism is ignorance. They don't know the article is plagiarized, neither do they know how to check if it's a plagiarized article or not.

My take on plagiarism is that, it's bad. It's not supposed to happen. The chain has given liberty to people to write whatever they feel. You could say how your day went, what fun things you did, etc. You don't necessarily have to kill yourself with work load when you're tired. So I'd advice that one doesn't even think about it.

Thank you.


Oh, no. Spaminator is a bot that someone assigns to an account...for the long term. If your work is found to be fraudulent, you get constant downvotes from that bot. It takes a long time before you can get the bot off of you.

Ultimately, one hidden reason for plagiarism is ignorance. They don't know the article is plagiarized, neither do they know how to check if it's a plagiarized article or not.

Yes. People have told me that. When they do, I try to point them in the right direction and show them documentation of the standards. Most of the time, it works unless you're @profdanzy. Thirty minutes later, he just plagiarizes another comment.

I think one of his reasons was that he didn't know it was wrong. He also stated in his introduction post that he is a university student of mathematics. I find it hard to believe a university would allow fraud let alone plagiarism.

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I think one of his reasons was that he didn't know it was wrong. He also stated in his introduction post that he is a university student of mathematics. I find it hard to believe a university would allow fraud let alone plagiarism.

A student of mathematics is a very occupied student. Always reading and solving and trying out new methods to tackle an issue, ways burning the night candle. I guess that's it, he probably has no time to sit and create a good content.

I can't really say anything about him but I know that if I'm caught with a plagiarized post, the shame alone would make me rethink my steps.

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I don't have time either to create good content all the time. I don't copy/paste articles/comments and try to pass them off as my own.

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It's actually a criminal act, it can make you lose everything you worked for on the platform.

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And then some. Take, for instance, the Hive member PurePinay. She's got 11K followers. She does well on the platform. She hired ghostwriters to produce content and she never checked them before posting it and that content was plagiarized. There's more to follow on it, but the current results aren't good. Yeah, when something like that happens people are very quick, and justified, to lose trust.

You can get that trust back in some ways. The users searching through months of her posts is one way that it might work. Who is going to do it? The author (no)? The user reading her content (hell no). A most reasonable answer is to just not do it. Easier said than done, I think.

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Easier said than done.

On a real note, as a curator, if I were to see a plagarized post over and over again, I'd lose interest and trust.
Rather I'd take my upvotes to people who really deserve them, so I guess you're right.

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My question is
How can you get off sperminator off you
For someone who repented from plagarism but sperminator still follows.what can the person do to stop sperminator from following him or her

@scholaris.pob just said that the bot would watch you for some time before it gets off your back. So it would be there till it has fulfilled it's job.

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Yeah, but it's not that easy. @pobtrader, you should talk to Hive Watchers about that issue. I'm not sure myself, but they would be the ones to tell you how it's done.

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Oh, no. Spaminator is a bot that someone assigns to an account...for the long term. If your work is found to be fraudulent, you get constant downvotes from that bot. It takes a long time before you can get the bot off of you.

Oh that's it. I didn't know that the bot stays for a period of time, I always thought it'd always spot you out whenever you plagiarize a post.

Thanks for telling me this.

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