As they say ¡Ignorance Is Bliss! ...but wait, is this true?

in #psychology11 months ago

"The basic principle of all change is questioning what we believe and sadly that's precisely what scares us"

¡Suckcess In The Workplace!

If you're the only sane person in an insane world...

¿Aren't you the insane one?

¡Face the Rear!

¿The Wisdom of Crowds?


If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot below, you will only see one color: pink.

If you stare at the black cross in the center, then the moving dot will turn green.

Ok, now focus only on the black cross in the center of the image.

After a very short time, you will notice that all the pink dots will slowly fade away and you will only see a single rotating green dot. ¿Am I right? I'm not bullshitting you!

¿Isn't it amazing how our brain works?

Yeah, there is really no green dot in the image and the pink dots never really go anywhere.

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Cranky Gandalf


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That circle thing will give out seizures,...

Hahaha yeah. And will give out even more seizures if someone «click» on the links too. };)

If you're the only sane person in an insane world...
¿Aren't you the insane one?

Sure am i... lucky me.

As i say for long now, i wouldn't want to be normal, that would be anomalous